For the non-SACK test cases, I used the typical length of the delayed ACK queue reported by the client as an approximation of the lower bound of the sender's window size. 对于非SACK测试用例,我使用客户机报告的延迟应答队列的典型长度作为发送方窗口大小的近似值。
When the destination formulates its response, it includes an additional SOAP header ( the ACK) in the message. 当目的地阐明其响应时,它在消息中包含一个附加的SOAP消息头(ACK)。
This enables a sender, that is behind a firewall, to still receive ACKs. 这使处在防火墙后面的发送方仍然可以获得ACK。
The S3 event ( ACK message from the client) triggers the application to send WS1, the first Web service request event. S3事件(即来自客户机的ACK消息)触发应用程序发送WS1(即第一个Web服务请求事件)。
WS-RM doesn't define any way for this sender to asynchronously receive ACKs. WS-RM没有定义任何方法用来使发送方异步接收ACK。
For one-way messages, the destination SOAP stack needs to generate a new SOAP envelope ( with an empty soapenv: Body) in order to add this ACK header. 对于单向消息,目的地SOAP堆栈需要生成一个新的SOAP信封(包含一个空的soapenv:Body)来添加这个ACK标签。
The Buy Ack action you just created meets this requirement for the Buy event. 您刚才创建的BuyAck操作满足Buy事件的这个要求。
UA1 acknowledges the200 OK response by sending an ACK request to UA2, where the call was forwarded. UA1通过向UA2发送一次ACK请求,来确认响应200OK。
But for now, it's sufficient knowing that the ACKs are sent to the appropriate place. 但是现在,已经知道ACK被发送到合适的地方就可以了。
An attack called the SYN flood ensures that the ACK packet never returns so that the server runs out of room to process incoming connections. 有一种称为SYN泛滥(SYNflood)的网络攻击,它使ACK数据包无法返回,导致服务器用光内存空间,无法处理到来的连接。
The ACK request needs to be configured just like the INVITE request created previously. ACK请求需要像前面创建的INVITE请求那样配置好。
The tcp_input() routine on the client side processes the SYN ACK packet, and calls tcp_output() to send an ACK packet back to the server. 客户端上的tcpinput()例程处理SYNACK包,并调用tcpoutput()将ACK包发回到服务器。
The tcp_input() on the server side processes this ACK packet and calls soisconnected(). 服务器端上的tcpinput()处理此ACK包,并调用soisconnected()。
The client has a configurable option to add the SACK information relating to the most recently arrived data onto each ACK as it is transmitted. 客户机有一个可配置选项,在每个应答传输前,把与最近到达的数据相关的SACK信息增加到每个应答上。
The ACK is the last thing before the session begins. ACK是会话开始前的最后一步。
In normal operation, the remote client responds with an ACK packet that moves the half-open connection to fully open. 在正常操作中,远程客户机用一个ACK数据包进行响应,这会使半开的连接转换为全开的。
A typical ACK from this client does contain a SACK option for data higher than has been seen before, but it also contains sequence references to the immediately prior packets as well. 来自此客户机的典型应答包括一个SACK选项,它指向比前面出现的数据更高的数据,但它也包含指向前一个相邻包的序列。
Likewise, the receiving side must not only agree to send back an ACK once they receive a message, but they must ignore any duplicate messages. 同样,接收方不仅要同意一旦收到消息,立刻返回一个ACK,还必须忽略任何重复的消息。
In the case of a request-response messaging pattern, you can piggy-backthis ACK on one of the response messages. 在请求-响应消息模式的情况下,可以在响应消息上piggy-back这个ACK。
The client selects the value of its SACK options whenever transmitting a delayed ACK. 在传输延迟的应答时客户机选择SACK选项的值。
You can specify which incoming TCP packets to scan and discard those that don't match the flags ACK, FIN, PSH, RST, SYN, or URG. 可以指定应该扫描哪些到达的TCP数据包,丢弃不与ACK、FIN、PSH、RST、SYN或URG标志匹配的数据包。
First is the definition of this Acknowledgment or ACK; both SOAP stacks must understand what an ACK is: what it looks like, what it means, and how to send it. 首先是Acknowledgment或者ACK的定义;两个SOAP堆栈都必须理解ACK是什么:其像什么,它意味着什么,以及如何发送它。
Allows the sender to poll the destination for the ACKs. 允许发送方pollACK的目的地。
I have tob If ack out soon. 我的车一会儿就要退出来。
If the ACK is from the expected node, the retransmission of the packet is cancelled. 收到一个应答时调用。如果应答是期望的节点,将取消数据包重发。
There is no "message blocking" meaning a10 MB message with SYNC_ACK guarantee level will not stop a10 KB NO_ACK guarantee level. 没有“消息阻塞”意味着使用SYNCACK保证级别传递10M消息不会中断使用NOACK保证级别传递的10KB信息。
TCP congestion control and ACK mechanism are thoroughly discussed and thus improved in this dissertation. 本文主要从TCP的拥塞控制和确认机制两方面进行研究和改进。
I went for a ride thi morning a a old man, and came ack a a teenager again. 我这个大老头我想要子早上去骑马,然而回来时变得年轻了。
I'd like to ack for a raise can you give me a ballpark figure? 我要求加薪,你能告诉我一个大约的数字吗?