Puerto Maldonado, capital of Peru's Madre de Dios region, is a critical part of Latin America's economic revolution. 秘鲁马德雷德迪奥斯的首府马尔多纳多港,它是拉美国家经济变革的主要力量。
Servant: Buenos dios, Senor Paul. 仆人:早上好,保罗先生。
Eric Pinto Mandoza, who drives a canoe down the Madre de Dios River, enjoys a beer in Puerto Maldonado. 埃里克?平托?门多萨驾驶着小船顺马德雷德迪奥斯河而下,在马尔多纳多港享用着啤酒。
Rising gold prices have made mining the metal lucrative for Madre de Dios. 不断上涨的黄金价格使得马德雷德迪奥斯的金矿开采业变得有利可图。
A crested caracara surveys a valley on Madre de Dios Island in Chilean Patagonia. 有顶饰的长腿兀鹰调查一个山谷在马德雷德迪奥斯岛智利巴塔哥尼亚。
Jennifer Swenson, a landscapeecologist at Duke University, looked at satellite images of two gold-mining sites in Madre de Dios, Peru, dating back to2003. 杜克大学生态学家JenniferSwenson细看了追溯至2003年的位于秘鲁马德雷德迪奥斯的两个金矿的卫星图像。
Peru is the world's sixth-largest gold producer and16-20 of the182 tons of gold it produces annually comes from illegal or quasi-legal mining along the banks of the Madre de Dios. 秘鲁是世界第六大黄金生产国,它每年黄金生产总量182吨中的16到20吨,都来自于马德雷德迪奥斯河沿岸非法或者看似合法的开采。
My name is Juan de dios. I am the bell ringer. 我叫胡安。迪欧斯。我是撞钟人。
Up and down the Madre de Dios River, people mine for gold. 马德雷德迪奥斯河上下游正在开采金矿的工人。