
美 [dəˈlaɪlə]

n.  (圣经)黛利拉(迷惑大力士参孙Samson之妖妇),妖妇



  1. So Delilah said to Samson," Tell me the secret of your great strength and how you can be tied up and subdued. "
  2. Delilah therefore took new ropes, and bound him therewith, and said unto him, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson.
  3. And Delilah said unto Samson, Hitherto thou hast mocked me, and told me lies: tell me wherewith thou mightest be bound.
  4. And when Delilah saw that he had let her see into his heart, she sent word to the chiefs of the Philistines saying, Come up this time, for he has let out all his heart to me.
  5. Delilah informs the 2-year-old why its important to listen to their parents, not spit and refrain from fights with older boys.
  6. We don't know how Samson met Delilah.
  7. Samson was a strongman who let himself be led astray by a Jezebel like delilah.
  8. But despite her secondary knowledge of the profession, Delilah just couldn't think of a way to track down a murderer, capture him, and return him to justice on her own in order to collect the reward.
  9. Delilah didn't bother telling Pike that her own destination was neither Helena nor Butte, but Red'Rock, a small town situated between and west of the two towns.
  10. On the seat next to Delilah sat a man who'd gotten on the last stop& continuing a journey he'd begun some time ago, according to his initial conversation with the man across the way.
  11. Now Delilah was stuck with a burdensome pet whose name she refused to utter.
  12. That kind of money would save Eve and Tom's ranch, and give Delilah herself a good stake for the future.
  13. Anxious to see her sister, Delilah would be continuing on from Butte as soon as the train pulled into station, if that was at all possible.
  14. On her deathbed, Edwina had bequeathed to Delilah the thing she loved most in the world: her dog, Poopsy.
  15. Had Lady friend Delilah whose name means: trouble.
  16. She nodded, and he transferred his gaze to Delilah.
  17. Women are like samson and delilah are rolled into one.
  18. She'd insisted that Poopsy had taken a shine to Delilah, and that she could leave her with no one else.
  19. With single-minded intensity, Delilah stared at the passing landscapes as though the answer to her problems lay out there somewhere.
  20. When he revealed to a Philistine woman, Delilah, that his hair was the source of his strength, she shaved his head while he was sleeping, leaving him powerless.
  21. The show features technically complicated scenes including a Samson and Delilah number complete with the destruction of the temple and the show's signature number-the sinking of the Titanic.
  22. So Delilah took new ropes and bound him with them; and she said to him, the Philistines are upon you, samson!
  23. Then after this he fell in love with a woman in the valley of sorek, whose name was delilah.
  24. Delilah: Well, I've changed my mind. I don't want to go.
  25. It was that sort of remark which had caused Delilah to label her naive, but perhaps it was simply that Clara had managed to retain a youthful innocence that had long ago been lost to Delilah.
  26. The prize for best first film went to Australian writer-director Warwick Thornton for "Samson and Delilah," his love story about two teens living in an isolated aboriginal community.
  27. Delilah closed her eyes briefly as she considered the implications hidden between the lines of script.
  28. Delilah listened to him with polite disinterest until she caught sight of the size of the reward offered for bringing Towers in alive: One thousand dollars!
  29. Like a moth which cannot leave a light alone, Samson went back again and again to Delilah.