
美 [kɑn]

网络  科恩; 柯恩; 迷雾; 孔氏; 孔剧



  1. 'Kurt Kohn was my paternal grandfather's name,' Laura said when she found her voice.
  2. Try JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon and former Fed vice-chairman Donald Kohn.
  3. Kohn said the lesson of Japan, which struggled to tame deflation in the1990s and earlier this decade, was that'we should be very aggressive'about combating the threat.
  4. Don Kohn, Fed vice-chairman, stressed he did not believe deflation was the most likely outcome for the US economy, but was a less remote possibility than he previously thought.
  5. Donald Kohn, vice-chairman of the Fed, said yesterday: Lingering credit constraints are a key reason why I expect the strengthening in economic activity to be gradual and the drop in the unemployment rate to be slow.
  6. In a reassessment of the doctrine last November, Donald Kohn, Fed vice-chairman, restated the orthodox position, but with a degree of discomfort.
  7. Most recently, on January 3 at the American Economic Association annual meeting, Don Kohn, US Federal Reserve vice-chairman, warned that employment growth in 2010 would most likely be slow.
  8. The external members will be Adair Turner, Hector Sants, Michael Cohrs, Don Kohn and Alastair Clark.
  9. Don Kohn, the Fed's vice-chairman, is particularly influential: he gave the speech that has had the biggest impact on the markets in the past six months.
  10. However, Sonja Kohn, Bank Medici's president and majority stakeholder, has said she will co-operate with the authorities.
  11. Mr Bernanke and Mr Kohn remain opposed to using interest rate rises to burst bubbles in their early stages.
  12. There are merits to this argument, but there is also a danger that Mr Kohn may be trying to pass the buck.
  13. A method, so called frozen density approximation ( FEA), for calculating approximately the coupling energy of weakly interacting fragments was developed by Harris. The method is a simplified version of the density functional theory ( DFT) of Kohn and Sham.
  14. The density functional theory with local density approximation ( DFT-LDA) as a ground state theory, i.e. the solutions based on the Kohn-Sham equation is a powerful tool for studying the ground state properties in many-particle systems.
  15. The protection against damage of DNA in renal cells of young rats by singlet oxygen with selenium compounds ( Na2SeO3 and ebselen) has been investigated with the Kohn filtering method.