The new systems have been optimised for running Microsoft Windows. 已经对这些新系统进行了优化设置,以便运行微软视窗。
How can I read a Microsoft Excel file on a computer that only has Works installed? 我怎样在只安装了Works软件的电脑上读取微软的Excel文件呢?
There's the operating system for one; Microsoft's ( MSFT) Windows still dominates in market share. 首先是操作系统的不同,微软的Windows仍然占据了主要的市场份额。
On Wednesday, Mueller updated his list of apple and Microsoft patent infringements. 周三,穆勒更新了苹果和微软受到侵权的专利名单。
As CEO, Ballmer brought a new level of business rigor to Microsoft. 身为首席执行官,鲍尔默将微软的严谨作风带到了一个新的高度。
Facebook and Microsoft ( MSFT) have also been edged out by Google. Facebook和微软也被谷歌排挤出了Android生态圈子。
Its core devices business has been bought by Microsoft. 微软买下了它的核心设备业务。
Partners include Dell, Groupon, JetBlue, livingsocial, and Microsoft Xbox. 已经采用了营销推文的合作公司包括戴尔(Dell)、Groupon、捷蓝航空(JetBlue)、团购网站LivingSocial和微软的Xbox。
He would like to work for Google, Yahoo or Microsoft. 他想为谷歌,雅虎或微软工作。
Reference implementations are provided for Java EE, Microsoft. Net, and PHP frameworks ( see Resources). 提供了针对javaEE、Microsoft.Net和PHP框架的参考实现(参见参考资料)。
The approach is based on using Microsoft Word's master and affiliated documents function. 这种方法是建立在使用MicrosoftWord主文档和附属文档功能的基础上的。
Users can access local partitions and folders to read and write the data from a Microsoft Windows session. 用户可以访问本机分区和文件夹,并从MicrosoftWindows会话中读取和写入数据。
I discovered a problem using the Xerces internal string class on Microsoft Windows. 我发现在MicrosoftWindows中使用Xerces内部字符串类有一个问题。
Microsoft Excel, for example, can be used to publish sales data and create charts. 比方说,MicrosoftExcel可用于发布销售数据和创建图表。
This article described how to deploy a Microsoft Exchange server using one of the IBM Pattern Lab automation assets. 本文介绍了如何使用一个IBMPatternLab自动化资产来部署MicrosoftExchange服务器。
Recently, Nokia and Microsoft announced a pact to adopt Windows Phone 7 for Nokia's phones. 最近,Nokia和Microsoft宣布了一项协议,即为Nokia的手机采用windowsphone7。
Messages relating to quota processing, both by Microsoft Windows NT policy and the UNIX file system. 与配额处理相关的消息,同时由MicrosoftWindowsNT策略和UNIX文件系统处理。
In the educational portal project I use Microsoft's Active Directory Server to store the user profiles. 在教育门户项目中,我使用Microsoft的ActiveDirectoryServer存储用户的个人信息。
The instructions and examples in the tutorial are based on a Microsoft Windows operating system. 本教程的操作说明和示例均基于MicrosoftWindows操作系统。
We can manage the Windows certificate registry using a tool called the Microsoft Management Console ( MMC). 我们可以使用一个称为Microsoft管理控制台(MMC)的工具管理Windows证书注册表。
Use software tools ( VMWare and Microsoft Virtual PC) to easily manage remote deployments and updates. 使用软件工具(VMWare和MicrosoftVirtualPC)以便简单地管理远程部署和更新。
The Microsoft Windows client system is the users 'Windows client system with browsers and other applications deployed. MicrosoftWindows客户端系统是用户的Windows客户端系统,部署有浏览器和其他应用程序。
Then it must not be surprising that Microsoft, the system provider, could do more. 那么,作为操作系统供应商,微软可以有更多特权那就不足为奇了。
Gates did the same with Microsoft, he designed and created the mechanism. 盖茨同样选择了微软,但他却选择设计和创造属于自己的机制。
Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft did not have immediate comment. 苹果公司、Facebook、谷歌和微软均未给出立即的回应。
Microsoft also announced a strategic partnership with Tencent, the leading social networking and gaming services company in China. 微软还宣布与中国领先的社交网络和游戏公司腾讯结成战略合作伙伴。
Microsoft and Sony are battling to dominate the high end of the console gaming market. 微软和索尼为占领游戏市场的最高控制终端展开了激战。
Microsoft said Dell would also put Office on its Android tablets. 微软称,戴尔(Dell)也会在其Android平板电脑上装载Office。