The CD's ad hoc Prevention of an Armed Race in Outer Space ( PAROS) committee has been unable to achieve more than informal exchanges due to the deadlock. 裁军会议预防外层空间军备竞赛特别委员会对于现在的僵局除了相互交换意见之外无法有所作为。
Now, go back to Paros and start your scan of the WebGoat site. 现在,回到Paros并启动WebGoat站点的扫描。
In Paros, expand the Sites folder to see http:// localhost in the tree. 在Paros中,展开Sites文件夹,在目录树中看到http://localhost。
Another useful tool for security testing is Paros Proxy. 另一个有用的安全测试工具是ParosProxy。