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  1. For the single organization configuration, the file that is important is the file entitled customprovider_db. txt, this is the database file for the single organization provider.
  2. Create tables in DB2 by running the DDL supplied in Tables. txt ( see Download), using SPUFI, for example.
  3. For example, a program that tries to open "COM1" or even "com1. txt" in any directory will get stuck trying to talk to a serial connector.
  4. A symbol set file is defined, called Symbols. txt, that doesn't always exist.
  5. The command searches your entire home directory ( find/ home/ joe) to find all regular files (-type f) with the suffix. txt, and then runs the grep command to search for the string Monthly Report.
  6. The txt files are program code, such as the application binary itself or a shared library, as in the case of the init program in the listing.
  7. One possibility is to use one of the pre-defined color names such as "red" or "PapayaWhip" from the file rgb. txt ( usually found in/ usr/ X11/ lib/ X11/).
  8. By default, static compression only compresses htm, html, and txt file types and dynamic compression only compresses exe, dll, and asp file types.
  9. Similar files, data_header.txt and data_footer. txt, bracket the table in the data tab of the spreadsheet.
  10. The next line creates a file object, passing in the name "testit. txt" and a'w'character ( to let you write to the file).
  11. This TXT file can now be used as an input for code review.
  12. Artifacts can have a type determined by their file name suffixes, such as. xml,. txt,. doc, or. java; or by their purposes, such as use case model or analysis model.
  13. Inspect the Java stack trace if one is printed ( or written to javacore. txt) before the program crashes.
  14. CSV and TXT are the export types supported for table data.
  15. To do this task, TXT files containing XPath expressions are used to mark the positions of XML configurations to be replaced.
  16. Yet, for example,$ txt could include a placeholder for, say, the address of a URL abbreviation service.
  17. Save this file with a name that will make sense for the recipient, and change the file extension from TXT to NDL.
  18. The versioning and keyword support in V6 is also provided for jar files, and uses settings made in a file ( META-INF/ keywords. txt) embedded in the jar file.
  19. I used all_attack. txt; see Resources for a link.
  20. Fill the wild card property ( filename wildcard. txt, for example; we use. xml for this case) in the "Output" page.
  21. You can save the snapshot to a PurifyPlus data file (. pmy) or to an ASCII text file (. txt).
  22. So suppose we have created a text file called machineList. txt, entered into it the three machine names we wish to query, and placed it in the root of the C drive.
  23. For the get operation, specify the file in HDFS to extract ( from your output subdirectory) and the file name to write in the local file system ( output. txt).
  24. By default this event only generates a thread dump file ( javacore. txt).
  25. A: You can upload the PDF document to Zamzar and convert it any formats like doc, html, png, txt or rtf ( rich text format).
  26. The sample will find all files in the current directory with ". txt" as the file extension and will create a copy of each file with ". utxt" as the file extension.
  27. Step 2: Copy and paste an article from any Internet website to this. txt file.
  28. Then save the file in the text editor with the name "import. txt".
  29. The first three echo commands create the file biz_rules. txt, populating it with three rules.