
n.  托尔




  1. Youth is hotheaded, torr, but these two are good boys!
  2. Antimicrobial Activity of the Extracts from Fraxinus velutina Torr Fruits
  3. The p-type single crystalline Si wafers were used as substrates and CH4 and H_2 as gas resource, the pressure in the reaction chamber was kept at about 7 Torr and the filament temperature at 2200 ℃, the distance between substrate and filament was 7 mm.
  4. The outlet pressure of all those pumps were not lower than 0.1 Torr, and it follows that those pumps can run well by using directly the mechanical vacuum pumps as backing pumps without booster pump used.
  5. Vacuum degree of 1.2 × 10 7 Pa ( about 9.0 × 10 10 Torr) can be kept. It can meet the requirements of magneto optical trap operating in a vapor cell of Cesium atoms.
  6. The paper describes a special equipment for vacuum friction test, and presents f-v test curves for combinations of PTFE-granite, PTFE-chromium plating steel and PTFE-steel ball in a vacuum of 10-3 Torr.
  7. Ethyl bromide or iodide at 20 torr was irradiated by a TEA CO2 laser. The reaction products were identified by means of infrared spectrometry, gas chromatography and CW CO2 laser photoacoustic spectroscopy.
  8. In 1 × 10~ (-2)& 1 × 10~ (-3) torr range, the readings of MSR gauge and membrane gauge are approximately the same, the deviations are less than 1%.
  9. The measurement of the total emissivity of a solid surface in the black cavity which is immersed in liquid nitrogen and under high vacuum ( 10-6 torr) by steady caloric method is described.
  10. The enhanced-impulse effect of TEA CO_2 lasers is described. For CO_2-N_2-He mixtures at pressure from 400 torr to 2 atm, the output energy can be increased by 20~ 30% with the existence of enhanced-impulses.
  11. The rate of reduction of zinc oxide with carbon monoxide exhibits the upmost value at 22-24 Torr.
  12. With the same surface pre-treatment, when the substrate temperature is 690 ° C and the pressure is 30 Torr, the preferential textured diamond film is formed as well as the best adhesion if the methane concentration is 3.3 percent.
  13. The adhesion is better when the pressure is 30 Torr.
  14. By using Helium as test gas, the calibrations of ionization gauges were carried out within the range from 10~ (-3) to 10~ (-6) Torr and showed a good reproducibility.
  15. Three types of ion gauges with tube electron multiplier are developed. It intends to solve the low pressure measurements up to 10~ (-14) torr.
  16. The measured optimum partial pressure of N2+ was 2.4 torr at a total pressure of 2 atm. in He/ N2 mixture. Kinetics of formation and quenching are analysed and discussed.
  17. The vacuum box is outside of the optical box, can keep good vacuum at a level of 10-6 Torr. The vacuum box, vacuum pump and a refrigerator are composed of the cooling system of the camera.
  18. It shows that for obtaining strong He ⅱ ( 303.8 A) resonance radiation, which is most useful for ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy ( UPS) study, the He pressure should be lower than 0.1 torr.