His fairholme fund has dropped nearly 30% YTD, and assets have been halved. 他的费尔霍姆基金年初以来已下跌近30%,资产已经减半。
The fund is up 9% YTD. 该基金年初以来上涨了9%。
Balance sheet for the period should reflect as the YTD. 一定时期的资产负债表应反映年初至今的经营情况。
This is where you need to look at what you want to include in the report, i.e.1 month, quarterly, YTD or Budget and Actual Information. 这里您需要考虑一下想在报告中包含什么,也就是月,季度,近一年或者预算和实际发生数的信息。
Figure 9. Asian Technology Stocks-India, Korea Doing Just Fine, YTD, Taiwan Overvaluation, Policy Mistakes penalized 图9:亚洲科技股&印度、韩国表现良好、年度累积额、台湾过高估价、政策错误的惩罚
It appears that risk appetite is gradually coming back to the market, given the sharp moves in some of the underperforming sectors YTD, such as shipping and rubber. 冒险意欲似乎正逐步回升,航运与橡胶等年初至今跑输大市的类别均见急升。
Provide monthly report by departments and by projects of expenses YTD and forecast base of open order. 每月为所有部门和所有项目提供最新开销报告并根据订单做财务预测。