Compulsory Quarantine Treatment Center Abstainer Psychotherapy Research 强制隔离戒毒所戒毒人员个别心理治疗研究
Perhaps this is the flip side of being an abstainer, but I've found that if I'm trying to make myself do something, I do better if I do that thing every day. 也许这是“戒断”的相反面,可是我发现如果我要强迫自己去做某件事情,那么如果每天都去做就会表现更好。
How does Socrates answer these charges of, in a way being not just an abstainer but he kept putting his own private moral conscience or integrity over and above the law? 苏格拉底如何回答这些指控,不只是以一种疏离的角度,虽然他持续让,自身的道德感或正直,凌驾法律之上?
Abstainer: a weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure. 戒酒者:一个意志薄弱的人,经不起拒绝享受的诱惑。
Mental intervention has good effect to cultivate self-esteem of abstainer. 心理干预对培养戒酒者的自尊心有很好的效果。