Hotelier Peng Loh, who travels from Singapore to other parts of Asia, Australia and Europe at least twice a month, is equally abstemious. 酒店经理罗彭每月至少要从新加坡飞往亚洲其他地区,澳大利亚和欧洲两次,他也是个有节制的人。
Even the most insignificant treats – from fruit baskets to sunflower seeds, calendars to cooking oil – have been curbed in the name of the new leaner, cleaner, more abstemious China. 即便是最微不足道的待遇从果篮到瓜子,从挂历到食用油也在更精简、更清洁、更节制的新名义下受到遏制。
But even in today's abstemious, achievement-orientated workplace, there are still sectors where the workplace bar lives on. 但即便是在今天这个有节制性的、追求成就的职场,一些行业仍然保留着企业内部酒吧。
You want a cost-conscious, abstemious colleague who leads by example. 你需要一位能以身作则地注意成本控制、有节制的合作伙伴。
An abstemious person, meal 饮食有度的人、节俭的一餐
Fortunately for Cheapflights, airlines and travel agents have not been so abstemious. 幸运的是,对cheapflights而言,航空公司和旅行社没有这么节俭。
Not totally abstinent but abstemious. 不是完全禁欲,而是有节制。
Confectionery mug-up wants abstemious: Normally mug-up kind food is tall fat, high in syrup, high quantity of heat, so must abstemious edible. 糕饼点心要节制:通常点心类的食品都是高脂、高糖、高热量,所以一定要节制食用。
Abstemious meals; a light eater; a light smoker; ate a light supper. 节俭的晚餐;适度的吃;节制的吸烟者;吃了一顿节俭的晚餐。
He has led a very abstemious life since he became a christian. 他成为基督徒后,就过着一种很有节制的生活。
A waitress appears as I pick up the wine list and quietly cross my fingers that he will order alcohol ( Lunch with the FT guests have, of late, been rather abstemious). 一名女侍应来到我们桌前,我拿起酒单,默默祈祷霍夫曼会点酒(与FT共进午餐最近请的一些嘉宾点单非常节制)。
They are abstemious and abstain from most of the modern things that other English people, who are now rarely abstentious, enjoy. 他们生活节俭,有意避开其他英国人所享用的大部分现代产品。现代生活节俭的英国人实属罕见。
His father, of all men, had lived a careful life, moderate, abstemious. 在所有的人中,他父亲是一个一生最最小心谨慎、处世中和,食用有节的人。
Hence, the exclusive outlet is track the new type path of eco-industrialization and constructs abstemious society. 故走生态工业化道路、建设节约型社会是唯一出路。
Then the purpose, the ideal and the principles of the abstemious society were discussed. 并对节约型社会的目标、节约型社会的理念、基本原则等进行了探讨。
But India's benchmark was unusually abstemious. 但是印度的贫困基准点有超乎寻常的节食性质。
As a boss, you should constantly question costs and try to be seen to be abstemious rather than extravagant – at least with corporate assets. 作为老板,你应该经常对成本提出质疑,并努力让人们认为你很节俭,而不是奢侈浪费&至少是对公司资产。
Hence sustainable development, circular economy and abstemious society are the important trend. 因此,可持续发展、循环经济节约型社会成为发展的重要趋势。
The way of economic growth that high input, high consume, high emission and low output get the end, Implement views of scientific development, the urgent affairs of us is building socialistic abstemious society as soon as possible. 经济增长的高投入、高消耗、高排放、低产出的老路已走到尽头,落实科学的发展现,尽快建立社会主义节约型社会是我们的当务之急。
WTO came into being because of the progress of theory and the changes of real circumstance. It has the same tenet as GATT and has an effect on international trade with the basis of abstemious liberal trade theory. 理论的进步和现实环境的变化促成了WTO的产生,其延续了GATT的宗旨和原则,并且以有节制的自由贸易理论为基础,继续发挥作用。
In order to actively respond central government's policy of constructing abstemious society and make great efforts to reduce power transmission loss, the research on line loss forecasting became more and more important. 为积极响应中央提出建设节约型社会的方针,努力降低电能传输过程中的损耗,开展线损预测研究工作就变得十分重要了。
Building abstemious society is the key of Implement views of scientific development 构建节约型社会是落实科学发展观的关键
Regional block economy is an important economic pattern, through which not only make traditional industry and modem manufacturing to be abstemious and specialization but also greatly develop the district economy, so it is significant to study on logistic management pattern for regional block economy. 块状经济是我国传统产业和现代制造业走向集约化、专业化的重要形式,是推进区域经济跨越式发展的重要力量,面向块状经济的物流电子商务模式的研究具有重要意义。
It is proved that this design is abstemious, practical and high precision, so it has good applied value. 实践证明,该设计经济实用而且精度高,有很好的应用价值。
A design of an abstemious intelligent warehouse and best routing algorithm are given. 给出了一种智能化、经济型的仓库设计方案及货位和最佳路径选择算法。
The costume style of female movie stars during the Republic Period mainly includes two abstemious clothing, cheongsam waistcoat, cheongsam and western-style clothing. 民国电影女明星的服装形式主要有上下两节制服装、旗袍马甲与旗袍以及西式服装。
On the one hand, freehand spirit draws lessons from traditional meticulous portrait paintings freely. On the other hand, it merges the other kinds of painting abstemious. Its aim is to find the possible way of construction in the opposition between tradition and modernity. 在写意性上,一方面表现为对传统工笔人物画自由地汲取,另一方面也表现为对其他画种有节制地融合,目的是在传统与现代的对立胶着状态中寻找建构的可能方式。