(因道德、宗教或健康原因对饮食、酒、色等的)节制;禁欲 the practice of not allowing yourself sth, especially food, alcoholic drinks or sex, for moral, religious or health reasons
However, abstinence may be difficult for you as you are prone to excess. 然而,禁食对你来说可能有点困难,因为你总是喜欢走极端。
Advocates of the 12-step program reject these findings and continue to maintain that abstinence is the only remedy. 12步戒酒项目的倡导者对这些研究结果表示排斥,继续坚持认为戒酒是唯一的治疗方法。
But I do think abstinence is the right thing for me at the moment. 但我认为禁欲是目前该做的事。
Method: Abstinence syndrome of morphine dependent rats and the treatment effect of Bup were observed. 方法··:观察***戒断及经***治疗大鼠的戒断体征;
I am not necessarily a defender of "abstinence only" programs, at least not for older adolescents. 我并不是只有节欲项目的坚定支持者,至少认为它对稍大一些的青少年不合适。
Studies show that even brief advice from health professionals can increase tobacco abstinence rates up to30%. 研究显示,来自卫生专业人员的即使简短的建议可将烟草戒断率提高达30%。
Abstinence is the most effective strategy to prevent HPV infection. 禁欲是预防HPV感染的最有效策略。
I have my own involuntary abstinence program in place. 我还正在不自觉的禁欲呢。
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of doxepin in a small dose on opioid protracted abstinence symptoms. 目的:评估小剂量多虑平对阿片类稽延性戒断症状的临床疗效。
If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals. 如果一个人立志过一种正直的生活,他首先要节制的,就是避免伤害动物。
Abstinence helps build patience and self-control. 节制有助于培养耐心和自制能力。
The abstinence commitment can improve communication between couples, she suggests. 她建议贞洁的承诺能改善配偶之间的沟通。
Moderation in or abstinence from alcohol or drugs. 在用药和饮酒方面节制,不过度。
Complete abstinence from alcohol is the single most important treatment for alcoholic hepatitis. 完全戒酒是治疗酒精性肝炎最重要的单一因素。
Abstinence gives freedom from guilt. 节制使人从罪中解脱出来。
The ideas include the concept that abstinence can lead to both happiness and fulfillment in relationships, she says. 她说这些想法包括了贞洁能够引导出人际关系中真正的「幸福与委身」。
Because addiction to nicotine is as strong as an addiction to heroin, abstinence is difficult. 因为尼古丁成瘾性同***成瘾性类似,戒除很难。
Abstinence can make you a better lover. 节制可以使你成为一个更好的爱人。
You can avoid any risk of HIV if you practice abstinence ( not having sex). 如果禁欲不会有感染HIV的风险。
The way in regulating and guiding man's social desire is against gastronomy, for abstinence; 调控和引导人的社会欲望的手段是:反对享乐主义,提倡节欲文化;
This paper is designed to help concerned school board members and parents choose a solid abstinence curriculum. 本文目的是帮助有关学校董事会成员和家长选择有效的禁欲课程。
Without abstinence, the majority of people with alcoholic hepatitis eventually develop cirrhosis and die, says Dr. 如果不戒酒,大多数酒精性肝炎患者最终将进展为肝硬化并死亡,Dr。
Social conservatives have recently argued that abstinence until marriage builds character and self-control. 英国社会保守人士最近声称,在结婚之前节欲能塑造人格和自我控制力。
The time and emphasis given to abstinence in the programs is not reported in the review. 这项考察没有报告这些计划中关于禁欲的期限和强调程度。
That's great you support abstinence. 你支持禁欲,太好了。
In the abstinence version of ABC, for example, it meant that condoms were not given to teenagers despite many having sex before marriage, not always with a condom. 例如,在ABC的禁欲版本中,它意味着尽管在结婚前许多人进行了性行为且并不总是使用安全套,却没有给青少年提供安全套。
Despite alcohol's popularity today, however, many still consider abstinence a virtue. 酒精现在虽然颇受欢迎,但是许多人还是认为滴酒不沾是个美德。
Both abstinence until marriage and faithfulness in marriage supported by society. 双方节制直到结婚,并且忠实于受社会支持的婚姻。