Treading on any part of this floor activates the alarm system. 踩着地板的任何一部分都会触发警报系统。
Heat activates chemical processes. 加热可以加快化学反应的过程。
And we do that like this: you press his nose and that activates the voice card. 我们是这样做的:你按一下它的鼻子,这样就激活了声卡。
When any user opens the document again, the header activates a link to the stored file attachment. 当任何用户再次打开该文档时,头部激活了指向被存储的文件附件的链接。
Turning this parameter on activates the collection of query feedback data. 打开该参数将启动查询反馈数据的收集。
This activates the system to use the late paging space allocation policy. 这将使得系统使用晚分页空间分配策略。
The-Denv= dev statement creates a system property named env and sets its value to dev, which activates the development configuration. Denv=dev语句创建一个名为env的系统属性,并将其值设为dev,这激活了开发配置。
The window is displayed on the screen, and the application activates the main loop by calling gtk_main(). 在屏幕上显示窗口,应用程序调用gtkmain(),激活主循环。
During the servlet initialization, the container activates the servlet by calling the init method once. 在Servlet初始化的过程中,这个容器可以通过一次调用init方法来激活这个Servlet。
This activates the test list and Options. 这将激活测试列表和Options。
It activates only one button: Press the F1 button and the phone begins to dial. 它只激活一个按钮:按下F1按钮,电话就开始拨号。
XForms sends a complete XML document ( the data model instance) when the user activates a submission action. 用户触发提交动作时,XForms发送完整的XML文档(数据模型实例)。
Stress also activates the 'endocannabinoid' system in the brain. 压力还会激活脑中的内源性***素系统。
Activates the first window associated with the workbook. 激活工作簿的第一个关联窗口。
A peptic hormone produced in the small intestine; activates the pancreas and liver. 小肠内产生的助消化的荷尔蒙;刺激胰腺和肝脏。
We currently inject insulin in the subcutaneous tissue causing peripheral hyperinsulinemia which in turn activates the liver enzymes. 目前我们皮下注射胰岛素,导致外周高胰岛素血症,反过来激活肝酶。
Passerby: Press this button ( that activates the shutter) and it should be fine. 路人:按这个快门就可以了。
Activates embedded or linked object. 启动嵌入或链接的对象。
Each different context or setting activates a distinct set of brain regions; 每个不同的背景或环境都会激活大脑中一系列相互独立的脑区;
They chose to study one mark that activates genes and one that represses genes. 他们选择研究一个活化基因的标记,和一个抑制基因的标记。
In response to a primary respiratory process, the body activates the metabolic system to compensate for the change. 对原发的呼吸过程的反应,机体激活代谢系统代偿这种改变。
This button activates the heating system. 揿动这一按钮,暖气系统就开始工作了。
Once a signal is detected the unit moves seamlessly and instantly into operational mode and the LED activates. 一旦信号被检测单位,即时无缝移动到运作模式和LED的激活。
Tetany is a type of cramping which activates all of the nerve endings in the body. 搐搦症是一种激发全身所有神经末梢的抽筋。
This chapter presents a synergistic combination of standing poses that effectively activates and re-awakens the psoas muscle. 此章节描述了有效激活和唤醒腰肌的站立体式之间的协同作用。
The system then activates the component for you. 然后系统为你激活该组件。
You dial the number, and the device activates. 你只要播个号码,装置就被激活了。
Selecting these options activates automatic statement completion in the source view editor. 选择这些选项会激活源视图编辑器中的自动语句结束。
Ins key activates the insert mode, which allows you to insert information between two characters. Ins键激活插入模式,插入模式允许在两个字符间插入信息。