
adj.  近轴的;向轴的



  1. Designating the upper or adaxial surface of the lateral organs of plants, such as leaves.
  2. At the end of February, the bract attained approximately their full size, and a pair of anatropous ovules were initiated on the adaxial surface at the base of the fertile ovuliferous scale.
  3. All the patterns in bud and different parts of scale change at different stages, and the peroxidase activity in bud and adaxial epiderm is higher than that in the inner tissue of scale.
  4. Leaf epidermis consisted of one layer of closely arranged and irregular cells with thick cuticular membrane on outer cell wall, and there were not hair on abaxial and adaxial epidermis.
  5. Leaf anatomy results revealed the central vein lacks both clear cells and the adaxial small vascular bundle in dl2 mutant, which seemed to cause the drooping leaf phenotype.
  6. Papillary cells existed in adaxial petal epidermis and stigmas. Next to or facing the main stem or axis.
  7. The differences in cell structure and magnitudes of cell layers between adaxial and abaxial sides may be the structural fundamentals of style curvature.
  8. Plants with the most severe phenotype formed only green organs, with many shoot apices on their adaxial sides.
  9. The upper side of a leaf is known as the adaxial surface.
  10. The rule of adaxial image formation is studied, of the transmission light and reflected light through the two optical surfaces L_1 and L_2 of the biconvex lens.
  11. Morphology and development of adaxial stomata on tooth tips of grape leaves were observed with light microscope and scanning electron microscope.
  12. To a great extent, the embryogenesis was affected by inoculating method, when the adaxial surface of the immature cotyledons contacted to the medium, somatic embryos could not produced.
  13. In Nymphaea, 4 sepal primordia initiated from abaxial to adaxial side of the floral apex.
  14. Based on the adaxial matrix optics and scalar quantity diffraction integral theory, the principle of this system is analyzed, and optimum design of the system parameters and numerical calculations for this system are presented in detail.
  15. As the vascular cambium was initiated, the interfascicular cambium was formed on the adaxial side of secondary phloem produced by the cambium. phloem developed well;
  16. In this paper, based on adaxial matrix optics and diffraction integral, detailed theory for the means is analyzed and the intensity distribution on the target by numerical calculation, the results of the experiment and the optimum design of the system parameter are given.
  17. Central Station As a result, the median petal contains an outer branch of the adaxial parietal bundle.
  18. Morphology and Development of Adaxial Stomata on Tooth-tips of Grape Leaves
  19. The ability and acting period of cell division in plate meristem increase from abaxial layer mesophyll to adaxial one.
  20. The hairs originated from the protoderm cells on the adaxial surface of the second leaf primordium from the shoot apex.
  21. The variation of stomatal index of the abaxial surfaces is smaller than that of the index of the adaxial surface, and also is smaller than that of the density of the abaxial and adaxial surfaces in linear-subulate leaves according to the Mest.
  22. At the same time, content of chloroplast in palisade and spongy parenchyma decreases obviously, and their intercellular spaces are increased because of lengthen of adaxial and abaxial epidermis cell.
  23. With different water stress, the change of stomatal density in adaxial epidermis is different, but it both arrives at the biggest on the-1.1 MPa stress.
  24. The study discovered that there are assimilating tissue which like the shape of palisade tissue in adaxial surface of rachis in all species of Cycas.
  25. The Sensitivity of Adaxial and Abaxial Stomatal Resistance in Wheat Leaf to Soil Water Stress
  26. The adaxial side in contact with the medium was higher.
  27. Initiation and early development of floral parts in W. delavayi followed unidirectional sequences from the abaxial side to the adaxial side.
  28. Acanthopanax sessiliflorus adaxial leaf epidemic cells arrange tightly with tentacle distribution. Most air holes are distributed around leaf veins.



  1. nearest to or facing toward the axis of an organ or organism
    1. the upper side of a leaf is known as the adaxial surface

    Synonym:    ventral