
网络  说话人; 说话者; 发话者; 发件人; 发信人



  1. Quality of speech signal 3.single addressor or multi-addressor.
  2. The degree of its formality is in direct proportion to the formality of requirement, the formality and urgency of context, and the social distance between the addressor and the addressee.
  3. The use of alerters is affected by its content, context and relationships between the addressor and the addressee.
  4. With the direction of this strategy, the addressor will have to make choice among various linguistic forms: punning, hedge, fuzzy category identifier, commendatory evaluative adjective, euphemism, conversational implicature, indirect speech act and so on.
  5. And the specific address manner is relevant to the following factors such as culture, society, education, religious belief, age, gender, and the specific occasion for the addressor.
  6. The subject of zou construction is the first pronoun or the second pronoun and when the second pronoun acts as the subject, the sentence must has the implied meaning that the subject is to do something with the addressor.
  7. The addressor educes its own value judgment through referring to anchoring value.
  8. Pragmatic vagueness is a process of relevance-adaptation in both production and interpretation, which means that the addressor adapts his linguistic choice to the contextual correlates and chooses pragmatic vagueness consistent with the principle of relevance.
  9. The transitivity process reflects the self-construal, subjectivity of the addressor.
  10. The interpersonal meta-function refers to the interactive relationship between the addressor and the addressee in an utterance situation, and the attitude the speaker or writer to his words or works.
  11. And the addressee adapts the context to the linguistic choice of the addressor and infers the interpretation consistent with the principle of relevance.
  12. And the seeking of relevance is a dynamic process in which both the addressor and addressee have to make efforts to achieve a successful communication.
  13. This type of language phenomenon thus formed and communicative strategy adopted in this case by the addressor is entitled pragmatic vagueness. Generally, diplomatic language is a formal, persuasive, conservative and cautious language.