N-COUNT 沉重的负担;无法摆脱的苦恼;障碍 If you describe something or someone as an albatross around your neck, you mean that they cause you great problems from which you cannot escape, or they prevent you from doing what you want to do.
Privatization could become a political albatross for the ruling party. 私有化可能会成为该执政党一个难以摆脱的政治障碍。
Privatization could become a political albatross for the ruling party. 私有化可能会成为该执政党一个难以摆脱的政治障碍。
Our only companion is the wandering albatross, which glides effortlessly and gracefully behind the yacht. 陪伴我们的仅有那只盘旋的信天翁,它在游艇后面优雅轻盈地翱翔。
Any ship that crosses the Pacific is accompanied for many days by the smaller albatross. 任何太平洋通过的船只都有较小的信天翁伴随着飞行好多天。
At first it looked like a cross, then it looked like an aeroplane, then it looked like a kite, and at last with a whirring of wings it was right overhead and was an albatross. 开头看上去像个十字架,后来看上去像架飞机,再后来看上去像个风筝,最后翅膀呼呼地旋转,就飞到头顶上空,原来是只信天翁。
But nobody noticed when the albatross had disappeared. 不过谁也没注意那信天翁几时不见的。
The scientists agree that an electric vehicle should feel like less of a financial albatross. 两位科学家也认为,电动汽车不应给人们带来沉重的财务负担。
Already the albatross checks a hatching in staggering numbers downy and demanding with unending patience. 数目惊人信天翁用永无止境的要求和耐心检查孵化情况。
It was an albatross of the finest species, a wonderful specimen of these open-sea fowl. 这是最美丽的一种海鹅,海鸟中最使人赞美的一个鸟类品种。
The clown made like a tiger and frightened the little tots. A tiger shark looking for dinner. In this instance, though, the young albatross succeeded in escaping. 小丑装扮成一只老虎把小孩吓着了。一只虎鲨正在觅食。而此刻小小的信天翁却逃脱了虎口。
Very large albatross; white with wide black wings. 非常大的信天翁;主体为白色羽毛,翅膀黑色。
The wandering albatross is the biggest of some two dozen different species. 阿房鸟是20几种不同种类中最大的一种。
The albatross is the king of the gliders. 信天翁是滑翔鸟类之王。
We saw some dolphins, a whale and royal albatross. 我们看见海豚、一条鲸鱼、和信天翁。
A variety of albatross with black feet. 信天翁的变种,脚为黑色。
Benitez won the Champions League in his first season and I think its become an albatross for them, I really do. 贝尼特斯在他的第一个赛季赢得了欧冠,我觉得现在这成为了他们的负担,我真的这么觉得。
The white-and-black feathered Laysan albatross is not in danger of becoming extinct. 有白黑羽毛的黑背信天翁,并未因为这次的灾难而灭种。
Britons are used to hosting a nest of geese that lay golden eggs. They will not put up with an albatross. 英国人习惯了饲养一窝下金蛋的鹅,他们可不会容忍一只信天翁(指沉重负担)。
Sometimes he took eggs from albatross nests. 有时他还会从信天翁的巢里掏鸟蛋。
A tiger shark looking for dinner. In this instance, though, the young albatross succeeded in escaping. 一只虎鲨正在觅食。而此刻小小的信天翁却逃脱了虎口。
She was an albatross around his neck. 她成了他的重负。
Large sea birds, such as the wandering albatross, glide over the sea. 大的海鸟,如漂泊信天翁,在海洋上空滑翔。
Her own supporters see her as an albatross who could lose them the election. 她自己的支持者视她为一个无法摆脱的烦恼,她可能会使他们输掉选举。
The albatross-legendary protector of seafarers-is heading for extinction. 信天翁传说中航海人的守护者已经濒临灭绝了。
The Albatross and other sea birds sometimes confuse the plastic for food feeding it to their young who die. 信天翁和其它海洋鸟类,有时候会将塑料误认为食物,而用它们来喂食它们的幼鸟,从而致使幼鸟死亡。
The albatross can stay airborne at sea for days at a time. 信天翁在海上可以一连在空中待几天。
It ain't all buttons and charts, little albatross. 但是飞行不全是靠按钮和图表,小信天翁。
A bird, such as a petrel or an albatross, that frequents the ocean, especially far from shore. 尤指远离海岸,栖息在海洋上的鸟,例如海燕或信天翁。
This thing is like an albatross around my neck. 这事就好象是挂在我脖子上的包袱。
Any shi that crosses the Pacific is accompanied for many days by the smaller albatross. 任何一艘横度太平洋的轮船都会有一种小信天翁伴随飞行许多天。
Albatross Global Solutions is a sales solutions provider dedicated to improving customer service and sales performancewithin your organization. 信天翁咨询是一家销售解决方案提供商,致力于改进贵公司的顾客服务水准,提高销售业绩。