N-UNCOUNT (分居或离婚后根据法院指令定期付给对方的)赡养费 Alimony is money that a court of law orders someone to pay regularly to their former wife or husband after they have got divorced.
A great deal of Jeff's money went in alimony to his three former wives. 杰夫的很大一部分钱都用在了向他的前三任妻子支付赡养费。
A great deal of Jeff's money went in alimony to his three former wives. 杰夫的很大一部分钱都用在了向他的前三任妻子支付赡养费。
Tables have turned in US divorce courts with more women paying their former husbands alimony and child support than ever before, according to US lawyers. 美国律师称,如今美国的离婚案审判发生了重大转变,越来越多的女性付赡养费和子女抚养费给前夫,这是前所未有的。
Not every divorce has an alimony agreement. 并不是每对夫妻离婚都有赡养费协议。
I must send the little lady her alimony. 我得付给这位小女士赡养费了。
Howard, you can't get the alimony and child support together. 霍华德,你不能既付抚养费又付培养费。
You just wrote your last alimony check. 你刚填写了最后一张赡养费支票。
No more talk of alimony, no more child support. 别再管我要赡养费和孩子抚养费。
She'll have to pay you alimony. 她就得付给你赡养费了。
If the husband hires a lawyer, but his wife does not, the alimony payment rises ( and then there are fees to be paid, too). 如果丈夫聘请律师,而妻子没有,那么赡养费支出上升(此外还要支付一些费用)。
Proposed system after divorce alimony divorce financial assistance to replace the original system and improve the relief system of divorce in China. 提出以离婚后扶养费制度取代原有离婚经济帮助制度,完善我国的离婚救济制度。
You may have to pay alimony if the divorce goes through. 如果离婚了,你也必须给对方赡养费。
His ex-wife has upped the ante in her alimony suit against him. 他的前妻在诉讼中要求提高赡养费。
If a marriage is relatively short and there are no children, the courts often refuse to award alimony. 如婚姻存续期比较短,又没有孩子的话,法庭通常都不会判决赡养费。
If they divorced, she'd owe him alimony. 如果他们离婚,贝基就得付给雷赡养费。
They have been fighting over alimony for a long time. I wonder what will become of them and their children? 他们为赡养费争执这么久,不晓得他们和小孩会怎么样?
He sued you for alimony? 他为了赡养费起诉你?
If you still want money, then it isn't an alimony, it's severance pay. 如果你坚持要钱的话,那也不是赡养费而是遣散费。
This same house rules mortgages, taxes, alimony, and child support, and inheritance, too. 这一宫支配抵押,税务,赡养费,子女抚养费,以及遗产。
In many states, no alimony is awarded if both spouses are able to support themselves. 在很多州份,如夫妇双方都能自给自足,是不会判决赡养费的。
She is implacable an adversary as a wife suing for alimony. 有如诉讼要求赡养费的妻子一样,她是个难以折衷的对手。
Husbands end up paying the smallest alimony when no lawyers are involved. 如果没有律师介入的话,丈夫最终支付的赡养费最少。
Her ex-husband just disappeared with his girlfriend, so she is getting neither alimony nor child support. 她的前夫刚刚与他的女友一同消失,这使得她变得既得不到生活费又得不到儿童赡养费。
Well, we can afford to be generous now that I'm off the hook for alimony. 嗯,我们能这么大方是因为,我不用再付赡养费了。
I've got an ex who pisses away my alimony on booze and hookers. 我前夫那我的赡养费去喝酒和召妓。
Study on College Students Tuition Default and Measures; Money for alimony and/ or child support, which is overdue and unpaid. 高等学校学生欠费原因与改进措施的研究拖欠的离婚赡养费和(或)子女抚养费。
It's alimony I got from my husband. 那是我从我丈夫那得到的赡养费。
This can include paychecks, legal settlements, alimony, royalties, fees, and dividends from investments that you do not reinvest. 这可能包括了薪水、合法福利,赡养费,特许权使用费,收费标准,和不会反复投资的投资红利。
You worry less about alimony and more about the victim. 把赡养费看得比受害者还重要。
When his wife was awarded alimony by the court, Kerr had to ante up. 当法庭判给他太太离婚赡养费时,克尔不得不付。
You never realize how short a month is until you pay alimony. 直至要支付赡养费为止,你决不会了解到一个月多么短促的。