The committee ruled against all-night opening mainly on safety grounds. 委员会反对通宵营业主要是出于安全方面的考虑。
Jacob's all-night at Peniel was not the first occasion upon which he had met his God. 雅各在毗努伊勒并不是首次与神相见。
The service, called IDnight, will have music, dancing and an all-night bar. 车上会播放音乐,可以跳舞,还设有通宵酒吧。
One 29-year-old male patient suffered from serious cerebral infarction a kind of stroke whilst one 30 year-old man started hallucinating after an all-night session and jumped out of a second floor window. 一个29岁的男病患得了严重的脑梗死即一种中风症,还有一个30岁的男子通宵看球之后,产生了幻觉、从二楼的窗户里跳了下去。
Martin came home at dawn after an all-night party and when I came down his morning I found him flat our on the settee. 通宵聚会黎明时回到家里。今天早晨我下来时看到他躺在长靠椅子上睡着了。
We were eating hamburgers at an all-night kiosk. 我们在通宵服务的茶点亭里吃汉堡包。
People can still get married around the clock at one of the city's few all-night wedding chapels; 拉斯维加斯婚姻登记处处长谢丽尔·农说,现在如果有人想在夜里结婚,可以选择去拉斯维加斯的几个昼夜婚礼教堂;
They found her dead when they returned to their home in Suwon, just south of Seoul, after an all-night gaming session last September, the ruling said. 判决书说,这对夫妇是去年9月份在一次通宵游戏会后回到位于首尔以南水原市的他们家中后发现她死亡的。
Thanks to some all-night efforts, we now have a code of practice on the international recruitment of health personnel. 由于做出了通宵努力,我们现在握有一份《卫生人员国际招聘行为守则》。
His day began at six o'clock in the morning with a green-pepper omelet that aides had fetched from an all-night diner because the hotel restaurant had not yet opened. 每天早上六点就开始了,助理给他从24小时服务的餐馆拿来绿椒煎蛋卷,因为那时候酒店的饭店还没有开业。
Where is the nearest all-night drugstore? 最近的通宵药房在哪?
In the ancient city of colorful festivals, in addition to the all-night national and local song and dance drama, playing amateur "Naxi ancient music," the most famous. 在古城多彩的节庆活动中,除了通宵达旦的民族歌舞和乡土戏曲,业余演奏的“纳西古乐”最为着名。
There's an all-night car wash by the airport service area. 在机场服务区有通宵洗车服务。
Granny would prepare a lunch for the all-night praying session. 姥姥给通宵祷告的人们打点好便饭。
Clients demand instant answers and all-night sessions. 客户要求你随时待命、通宵工作。
Since I moved to London last year, I work in an all-night fast-food chain. 自从去年搬到伦敦,我就在一家通宵快餐连锁店工作了。
Supporters of the peace movement held an all-night candlelit prayer vigil outside the cathedral. 和平运动的支持者在大教堂外面举行了一整夜的烛光守夜祈祷。
Start with the airports and all-night newsstands. 从机场和通宵报刊贩卖点开始。
Granny made it imperative, however, that I attend certain all-night ritualistic prayer meetings. 无论如何,姥姥都命令我必须参加某种通宵的仪式性的祈祷会。
The place was an all-night cafe owned by a bitter and stingy man called Leo. 这家咖啡店通宵营业,老板叫利奥,为人吝啬,满腹牢骚。
I'm going to be up all-night studying for my exam. 为了考试,我打算不睡觉,通宵学习。
On occasion, class work came second to all-night Ram sessions. 有时候,因为通宵的全羊晚节,课堂的作业也会被放在第二位!
If you give all-night parties you'll have the neighbors complaining. 如果你举办通宵晚会你的邻居都会抱怨你。
Stretch limousines were hired to drive the prom-goers to expensive restaurants or discos for an all-night extravaganza. 还会有加长型礼车,载送参加舞会的人到昂贵的餐厅或迪斯可舞厅去度过奢华的一晚。
This is an all-night work session. 这个部门是通宵工作的。
The president of the European Council greeted the conclusion of the recent budget negotiations between heads of government with a celebratory tweet that a deal had been reached, one worth the all-night haggling. 对于最近欧盟各国政府首脑在预算谈判中取得的结果,这位欧洲理事会(europeancouncil)主席发布了一条tweet消息以示庆贺:一项协议达成了,通宵讨价还价是值得的。
Has all the possibilities of turning into an all-night affair. 都有可能变成一场通宵活动。
Can you give me the telephone number of an all-night pharmacy please? 您能给我一家通宵药店的电话号码吗?
An all-night party on new year's eve, provided me with a good excuse for not carrying out either of these new resolutions on the first day of the year, but on the second, I applied myself assiduously to the task. 新年除夕举办的一次通宵晚会,使我理直气壮地新年头一天免去了这两项任务。不过,新年第二天,我全力以赴去做了。