
英 [əˈluːdɪŋ] 美 [əˈluːdɪŋ]

v.  间接提到; 暗指; 影射


  1. VERB 间接提到;暗指;影射
    If you allude to something, you mention it in an indirect way.
    1. She also alluded to her rival's past marital troubles.


  1. I only fear that the sort of cautiousness, to which you, I imagine, have been alluding, is merely adopted on his visits to his aunt, of whose good opinion and judgment he stands much in awe.
  2. Balka is alluding to many things in the work – the biblical Plague of Darkness, black holes in space, images of hell – but curator Helen Sainsbury said reactions to the work would differ.
  3. The raccoon riding an alligator is the most Florida thing since mortgage fraud, tweeted Benjamin Freed, a writer for the Washingtonian, alluding to the financial crisis that began in 2007.
  4. You know who I'm alluding to.
  5. Motes, who had worked on Glee as a production assistant, allegedly left a suicide note reportedly alluding to her estrangement from her family.
  6. Monetary policy is easing, the government is alluding to more stimulus and the threat from the property slump is receding a bit, said Shane Oliver, chief economist at AMP Capital.
  7. It was clear she was alluding to jane.
  8. What exactly are you alluding to?
  9. State propaganda plays on Confucian traditions, alluding to his mandate of heaven.
  10. Obama said, alluding to House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa.
  11. Alluding to the recent discord, Clinton said two sovereign nations can not be expected to agree on every issue.
  12. A technical characteristic alluding to his wry utopian thoughts, Fang continues to employ paradoxical aesthetics that trigger a peculiar aftertaste from the viewer.
  13. A lot of people might not like living here [ in the Pearl River Delta], but for me it was like coming home, he says, alluding to the industrial nature of the area.
  14. He said he was "more firm in my belief that we will see seasonality in the second half," alluding to Intel's expectation that the PC market should pick up in the second half of the year.
  15. "I have played for teams that have not been doing well," Owen said, alluding to his four years at Newcastle United, after a season with Real Madrid, for whom he left Liverpool in2004.
  16. Children born prematurely appeared to be particularly at risk for this, alluding to potential problems this population may have with responding to vaccines.
  17. She did not say your name, but it was clear she was alluding to you.
  18. Adjacent to the pool is a sauna, executed in a rustic style, alluding to both Finnish and Japanese precedents.
  19. Mr Singh said yesterday that India was going through difficult times, alluding to a severe test of his leadership from falling growth, rising prices and a bitterly divided parliament.
  20. He didn't mention your name but I was sure he was alluding to you.
  21. By semiological analysis, Chinese compound words are complex symbols with alluding functions.
  22. But she probably had something of that in her thoughts, when alluding to the misunderstandings which he had given us hints of before.
  23. "The government didn't act when prices were rising but strikes when it is plummeting," he said, alluding to the cash the local government rakes in selling land to developers.
  24. Alluding to the sometimes awkward relationship with the US, one Pakistani minister said China had treated Pakistan with respect, unlike some other countries.
  25. It was in this manner that he had formed the harmless habit of alluding to Miss Osmond.
  26. We looked at each other wondering who he was alluding to.
  27. Like most higher degrees it is perfectly acceptable to put "MBA" after your name on a business card, whereas alluding to your undergraduate degree tends to make you look slightly ridiculous.
  28. I'll only say that I am very grateful to Eddie George that he has not been in the newspapers and on the radio all the time commenting on what the monetary policy committee was doing, said Mr King, alluding to the Bank's rate-setting body.
  29. I can hardly tell, but I was alluding to those who wrote the letter;