He camped it up, he told bad taste jokes and endless anecdotes with no point at all. 他耍宝逗乐,讲荤段子,没完没了地说一堆毫无头绪的八卦。
It is not just a textbook for professional diplomats. The lay reader will enjoy the anecdotes. 它不仅仅是职业外交家的教科书,里面的轶事趣闻外行的读者也会喜欢。
Jessica dipped into her store of theatrical anecdotes. 杰西卡翻阅了自己收集的大量演艺界的趣闻轶事资料。
He launched into endless anecdotes about Shaw. 他开始滔滔不绝地讲起萧伯纳的轶事。
He was very easy-going and told me lots of anecdotes about himself. 他很好相处并向我讲了许多发生在他身上的奇闻轶事。
These anecdotes are good for after-dinner conversation. 这些轶事可作茶余饭后的谈助。
These short anecdotes and stories always involved great kings and leaders, great wars and battles, and great heroes and foes. 那些短小的趣闻和故事中总会有伟大的国王和领导者,大规模的战争和战役,无畏的英雄和险恶的敌人。
It comes without anecdotes from your own life or stories about when you were in a similar position. 你无须分享你生活中的趣闻,或遇到相似情形时的故事。
Google offered several anecdotes that seem to indicate a less biased culture as a result of the training. 谷歌提供的一些事例,似乎显示这种培训减少了公司文化中的偏见。
Anecdotes back him up. 一些轶闻佐证了他的观点。
Anecdotes and opinions of anyone, even of senior and distinguished colleagues, have to give way to evidence. 任何人的轶事和意见,哪怕是来自资深和著名的同事,都需给证据让路。
It was a speech with a few anecdotes and a very interesting story. 这是一个讲话的一些轶事和一个很有趣的故事。
These are the good anecdotes of this graduation. 这就是这个班毕业时候的几个好一点的花絮了。
This point is too important to cover with a few anecdotes. 这个问题太重要了,不能仅用一些逸闻趣事来论证。
Do you know any funny or interesting stories or anecdotes related to exams? 你知道和考试有关的有趣故事和佚闻吗?
He could be time consuming with his penchant for anecdotes. 他可以因为对轶事的爱好而浪费许多时间。
As the vodka flowed, we traded anecdotes, political philosophies and notes on faith. 觥筹交错之间,我们交流着轶闻趣事、政治哲学和对信仰的理解。
She told him anecdotes about the hospital. 她给他讲了一些有关这家医院的轶事。
The book is full of engaging anecdotes. 书中充满了趣闻轶事。
He backed this up with a few horrifying anecdotes. 他举出几件骇人的轶闻来证实这一点。
Jonathan Spence's lectures are known for his insightful anecdotes from Chinese history. 乔纳森·斯彭斯的演讲以其对中国历史轶事的洞察而著称;
He padded a short story with anecdotes. 他用许多趣闻添凑起了一个小故事。
These might sound like amusing anecdotes of a faraway land. But they are more than that. 这两条消息也许听起来像是一个遥远国度的趣闻,但它们有更大的涵义。
He entertained the young men with queer little anecdotes and stories on their shooting parties or in their smoking-room. 他讲一些离奇的内幕新闻和一些打猎聚会上或吸烟室里的故事来款待年轻人。
The book collects some well-known anecdotes and myths about Buddhism and Buddhist personalities, with detailed analysis and explanations following each story. 本书搜集了佛教中较为著名的典故、佛教人物的轶闻和传说,并加以分析和解说。
She tell us anecdotes about the hospital and the patients. 她告诉我有关这家医院及病人的趣闻轶事。
I was telling a lot of funny or less funny anecdotes, and then stupid things were said. 我正在讲述一些有趣或无趣的奇闻轶事,然而却说出了一些愚蠢的言论。
There are some off-colour anecdotes in this book. 这本书中有些伤风败俗的轶事。
A few anecdotes will add a fillip to your book. 几则轶事会对你的书增加刺激性。
So there are a lot of anecdotes about him. 因此有许多关于他的趣闻。