The extreme right-wing National Front promoted anti-semitism. 右翼极端政党“国民阵线”支持反犹太主义。
Germany has shown real determination to come to terms with the anti-Semitism of its past. 德国表现出正视自己反犹主义历史的诚意。
Herge's reputation is also marked by charges of anti-semitism. 艾尔热还曾被指控为反犹太主义。
Although I strongly support a two-state solution, I worry that anti-Semitism remains rampant in the Middle East and that the demonization of Israel and Jews is at an alarming high. 尽管我强烈支持巴以分治的方案,我担心反犹主义在中东仍然十分猖獗,对以色列和犹太人的妖魔化又出现了新的高潮,令人担忧。
The walls of anti-Semitism were closing in. 犹太人的铺子关闭了。
Lumpen nationalism, defeatism and a latent anti-Semitism all flow together. 底层民族主义、失败主义和潜在的反犹太主义浪潮同时在涌动。
Even among those inclined to condemn racism in any form, fighting anti-Semitism is no longer seen as a priority, with Jews often perceived as privileged compared to Muslims and other minorities confronted with discrimination. 即使在那些倾向于谴责任何形式的种族主义的人中,反对排犹主义已不被当成首要任务,因为与面临种族歧视的穆斯林和其他少数民族相比,犹太人往往被视为属于特权阶层。
Europe has seen protests and outbursts of anti-Semitism whenever the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has erupted, and some analysts say this summer's anger is a cyclical episode that, like others, will fade away. 每当巴以冲突爆发时,欧洲都会出现抗议活动以及排犹情绪的爆发,一些分析人士说,今年夏天的愤怒表达是这个周期性发作的一种,与以往的发作一样会慢慢退去。
This is a curious characteristic of Europe's anti-Semitism predicament, in which too many are hesitant to identify victims and perpetrators, that is, when they even concede that such categories exist. 这是欧洲反犹太主义困境的一个令人好奇的特点,在这里太多人不愿意指出受害者和肇事者,即使他们承认这类人的存在。
But there is also concern about what some see as an insidious softer anti-Jewish bias, which they fear is creeping into the European mainstream and undermining the postwar consensus to root out anti-Semitism. 但也存在着在一些人看来是隐伏的针对犹太人软偏见的担忧,他们担心这种偏见正不知不觉地进入欧洲主流社会,破坏着战后形成的铲除排犹主义的共识。
I am not speaking now of organized anti-Semitism; 我说的还不是有组织的反犹;
I've asked him to do a series on anti-semitism. 我请他写一个连载文章。
Jewish-owned shops were shut down. Swastikas replaced six-pointed stars. The walls of anti-Semitism were closing in. 犹太人的铺子关闭了。那旗子取代了六角星旗。反犹太主义的包围圈一天紧似一天。
He grew up in the turbulent years under the Weimar Republic with anti-Semitism galloping and inflation out of control. 他是在魏玛共和国反犹主义甚嚣尘上、通货膨胀不可控制的动乱年代中成长起来的。
The National Front in France was rooted in anti-semitism before Ms Le Pen judged Islam a better target. 在勒庞发现穆斯林是一个更好的靶子之前,法国国民阵线曾坚定地宣扬反犹太主义。
He declared that no anti-Semitism existed among the board of directors. 他宣称在董事会中根本不存在排犹情绪。
How strong is anti-Semitism in Europe now? 欧洲现在的反犹太情绪到底有多么强烈?
They attribute criticism to anti-Semitism, which is rising again. 他们把各方的批评归咎于正在抬头的反犹太主义。
And anti-Semitism in Europe culminated in an unprecedented holocaust. 欧洲的反犹太主义最终发展成一场史无前例的浩劫。
Nietzsche seems to have harsh words for the Jews in this text but he was in fact scornful of anti-Semitism. 在文章里,尼采似乎对犹太人说重话,事实上却是轻蔑反犹太主义论。
But anti-Semitism comes in strong and weak forms, and in Europe now it is mostly weak. 但反犹太情绪的形式有强有弱,当前欧洲的总体形式就很弱。
I ask if he has experienced anti-Semitism at other times in his career. 我问他在演艺生涯中的其它时期,有没有遭遇过反犹主义。
Anti-Semitism and racism have no part in our society. 反犹主义和种族主义在我们的社会中毫无地位。
Do I hold attitudes of prejudice or anti-semitism? 我是否有偏见的态度或反犹太主义?
Or that you promote anti-semitism. 或者说你助长了反闪族主义。
The Nazis did not invite a discussion of the merits of anti-Semitism; they simply acted out its consequences. 纳粹不欢迎对反闪米特人的道德论证,他们只是简单地按照它的推理结果去做。
These gauges suggest quite weak anti-Semitism. 这些衡量标准显示,目前欧洲的反犹情绪相当弱。
Relating to or characterized by anti-Semitism; hating Jews. 关于反犹太主义的,或有其特点的;憎恨犹太人的。
Anti-Semitism invariably reflects or foreshadows a diseased condition in European politics. 反犹主义总是反映或预示出欧洲政治中的不正常状况。