It shows that a water vapor transport channel can also be found along the north side of the Plateau anti-cyclone to the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze river. 沿高原上空暖性反气旋北侧有一支水汽输送通道,从高原上空通向长江中下游地区。
There was a strong anti-cyclone northeast of Taiwan; 台湾东北部海域存在一个强反气旋涡;
Atmospheric duct often seen at high pressure ridge duct line position, the small value of relative humidity Center, located in the northern part of the anti-cyclone, atmospheric wave guide within the regions in which the atmosphere is relatively stable. 大气波导现象位于高压脊线位置,相对湿度最小值中心,位于反气旋北部,大气波导现象所处区域内大气比较稳定。