ADJ (指美国法律)反托拉斯的,反垄断的 In the United States, antitrust laws are intended to stop large firms taking over their competitors, fixing prices with their competitors, or interfering with free competition in any way.
The jury found that the NFL had violated antitrust laws. 陪审团裁决全国橄榄球联盟触犯了反垄断法。
The jury found that the NFL had violated antitrust laws. 陪审团裁决全国橄榄球联盟触犯了反垄断法。
Sears then countered by filing an antitrust lawsuit. 于是西尔斯提起反托拉斯诉讼进行反击。
Some of the biggest antitrust cases were initiated by complaints taken to the justice department. 一些规模很大的反托拉斯案子都是由向司法部的申诉开始的。
Google is facing antitrust investigations from both the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of justice. 尽管在在线广告领域,谷歌显然面临着新的竞争,但同时谷歌也正面临着来自联邦贸易委员会(FederalTradeCommission)和美国司法部(DepartmentofJustice)的双重反垄断调查。
More recently, in Europe and the United States, antitrust regulators opened investigations into Apple Music. 最近,欧洲和美国的反垄断监管机构开始对AppleMusic展开调查。
Google denies that it is breaching antitrust rules. 谷歌否认自己违反了反垄断规则。
First said there could be an extended review by antitrust officials because of the deal's size and complexity. 福斯特说因为这单交易的规模和他的复杂性,他认为反垄断官员需要作更详细的调查和研究。
It must face EU and US antitrust scrutiny. 这项合并必须面对欧盟和美国的反垄断审查。
But these typically are the creation of a legislative process or operate under close antitrust scrutiny. 但这些通常是法律程序创建的,或在密切的反垄断监督下运作的。
The thoughts of Chicago School has deeply influenced the antitrust law of the United States. 芝加哥学派的思想对美国反垄断法有着深远的影响。
The antitrust laws have been stretched in order to appease the sentiment of populist Chinese websites. 为了安抚中国民粹主义网站的情绪,反垄断法遭到了曲解。
Google executives say they do not believe they are doing anything wrong or violating any antitrust laws. 谷歌高层主管表示,他们不认为自己存在错误行为或是违反了反垄断法。
The most common type of misuse occurs when the patent holder uses the patent to violate the antitrust laws. 最常见的滥用专利权常发生在专利权人利用其专利违反反垄断法的时候。
He teaches courses in antitrust law, intellectual property law, contract law, cyberlaw, and jurisprudence. 他教授的课程包括反托拉斯法、知识产权法、合同法.网际法和法理学等。
Courts and antitrust agencies see competition differently still. 法院和反垄断机构对竞争的看法也不一样。
No other company has so consistently flouted commission antitrust decisions. 还没有其他哪家公司像微软这样,一贯藐视欧盟委员会的反垄断裁决。
After its own antitrust authority and the EU approved E. 在其本国的反垄断机构与欧盟都在四月份核准了E。
The companies first will give antitrust regulators time to review the possible effects on the Internet ad market. 该公司将首次让反垄断监管机构来审查其对互联网广告市场的影响。
Yet lawyers warn against viewing the antitrust laws as a panacea. 不过,律师们警告,不要将反垄断法视为万能药。
Then on November4th Andrew Cuomo, New York's attorney general, filed an antitrust lawsuit against Intel. 之后再11月4日,纽约检察长安德鲁•郭默(AndrewCuomo),对英特尔提出反垄断诉讼。
And that case involved baseball, which unlike basketball is legally exempt from federal antitrust law. 而1972年那起审判是关于棒球的,和篮球不同,棒球不受联邦反垄断法管制。
A tying arrangement violates antitrust laws. 搭配销售安排违反了反垄断法律。
US federal regulators have begun a formal antitrust investigation into Google's business practices. 美国联邦监管机构已经正式启动了一项关于谷歌商业行为的反垄断调查。
With the development of antitrust economics and US economy, US antitrust law has been changing greatly. 近年来,由于反托拉斯经济理论和美国经济的发展,美国反托拉斯司法实践出现一些新的变化。
But the potential for antitrust abuse through the tying of vertical services to search raises clear concerns. 但通过将垂直服务与搜索绑定而滥用其市场支配地位的可能性,显然引发了担忧。
Antitrust experts said that to prevent some applications running on their mobile network operator may also be anti-monopoly investigation. 反垄断专家称,阻止部分应用软件在他们网络上运行的移动运营商也可能受到反垄断调查。
Our antitrust laws have been too severe. 我们的反托拉斯法太严格了。
The presence or absence of market power has become the cornerstone of modern antitrust analysis. 市场势力的存在或丧失已经成为现代反垄断分析的基础。
Antitrust laws and competition policy are concerned with the creation and maintenance of market power. 反垄断法和竞争政策与市场势力的创立和维持有关。
Entire texts have been devoted to industrial organization and to the economic analysis specifically applied to antitrust law. 整章都被用来论述产业组织以及经济分析方法特别是其在反垄断法上的应用。