We live in the shadow of the apocalypse, of a catastrophe that will mean the end of the world itself. 我们生活在意味着世界末日将要到来的灾难的阴影当中。
It is now your responsibility to prevent the apocalypse. 现在是你们来阻止这些启示的时候了。
He said the apocalypse forecast had helped him make up his mind. 他说末日预测帮助他下定了决心。
The Development of International HPS Education and It's Apocalypse for Our Reform of Science Education 国际科学史和科学哲学教育的发展及其对我国理科教育改革的启示
This paper aims to testify that we can acquire the apocalypse of auditing classroom teaching mode reform through the analysis and learning of Jasper series. 通过对贾斯珀系列的分析和学习,得到了审计学课堂教学模式变革的启示。
The Apocalypse of the Theory of Spillover Effects and Economic Growth to the Developing Countries 溢出效应与经济增长理论对发展中国家的启示
The characteristics and apocalypse of Japanese venture invest 日本风险投资的特点及对我国的启示
And in a zombie apocalypse* I probably wouldn't last five minutes! 如果僵尸入侵了我大概活不过五分钟!
There is very big apocalypse, I was1 to come to over student every day before. 有很大的启示,以前我是一个天天来完的学生。
This time is called the "Apocalypse" or revealing. 该时期被称作天启时期或启示期。
That's the genre of an apocalypse. 这就是启示书的体裁。
Of or relating to an apocalypse. 是天启的或与天启有关的。
This paper comments on the latest literatures and summarizes related apocalypse. 本文评述这一领域的最新文献,并总结相关的启示。
The historical awareness in this book has an important apocalypse meaning for the editorial works in the academic research. 该书所具有的历史意识对于学术文献的编选工作具有重要的启示意。
He proposed a series of measures that might ward off the environmental apocalypse. 他提出了一系列可能避免环境灾难的措施。
Experience of household to the Circular Economy Development in Japan and its Apocalypse to China; I have a well-to-do family in the middle class. My father owns an old Japanese restaurant. 日本家庭在循环经济发展中的经验和做法及对我国的启示家庭小康,父亲经营一家日本餐馆。
A theologian who believes that the prophecies of the Apocalypse have already been fulfilled. 认为《启示录》的预言已经实现的神学者。
He's an apocalypse nut. I think he's involved. 他相信启示,他一定有嫌疑。
Mages often seek to emulate the powerful relics lost to time and apocalypse. 法师们一般致力于寻找模仿因时间和启示录而遗失的强力遗迹的方法。
He told me of an apocalypse yet to come. 他告诉我一个天启将要来到。
And the experience and apocalypse its bringing to us are also worthy of studying, summering and making use of. 而它带给我们的经验和启示也是值得我们探寻、总结并在继承和发扬传统文化的过程中加以利用的。
Local Culture in the Apocalypse of China's Modern Landscape Design 本土文化对中国现代景观设计的启示
Palm trees remind me the bombing scenes in Apocalypse Now. 会安的棕榈树,让我联想到《现代启示录》的轰炸场面。
Originally human, but the pollution of the devildom have mutated their bodies after apocalypse. 狂战士原本也是人类,但由于大灾变造成的魔界污染,使他们的身体产生了变。
And though I'm not expecting the apocalypse. 但我对“大预言”却并不期盼。
Have you begun preparing for a zombie apocalypse? 你已经开始为僵尸来袭做准备了吗?
Reconciliation of Reason and Apocalypse& Study on Historical Admission of Christianity to Greek Philosophy 理性与启示的调和&论基督教对古希腊哲学的历史接纳
The four horsemen of the Apocalypse were War, Plague, Famine and Death. 圣经启示录中的四个牧马人是战争、瘟疫、饥荒和死亡。
Our hope offer some humble effort, let our researches be able to bring everyone some beneficial apocalypse. 我们希望尽一点绵薄之力,让我们的研究能带给大家一些有益的启示。