His glassy eyes and his ashy face were alight in an instant. 他那没光的眼睛和苍白的脸,登时就神采奕奕。
Assuredly, as the minister looked back, he beheld an expression of divine gratitude and ecstasy that seemed like the shine of the celestial city on her face, so wrinkled and ashy pale. 反正,当牧师回头看去时,只见到一副感谢天恩的狂喜神情,似乎天国的光辉正映照在她那满是皱纹的灰白色面孔之上。
Everything had been destroyed, Yankee-style, and the only crops that seemed to thrive in the ashy, salty soil were some pepper plants* from the Mexican state of Tabasco. 所有的东西包括生活方式都被破坏了。在这片灰色盐碱地上唯一留下的是一种来自墨西哥塔巴斯科州的胡椒作物。
Nor ashy pale the fear that false hearts have. 也未让苍白透露出做贼心虚的惊恐。
The Ashy Behavior and Its Restriction by Law in the Course of Riding by Law 法治化进程中的灰色行为及其法律控制
There is a sort of ashy behavior between lawful behavior and offence behavior. 在合法行为与违法行为之外,还存在着一种灰色行为。
Old and bent, ashy pale and toothless, he managed with the help of two crutches, to totter into the King's presence. 他人老背驼,面色苍白,牙齿脱落,在两根拐棍的帮助下,蹒跚而行,来到国王的面前。
Han had an ashy complexion, which on a cloudy day could blend in perfectly with the color of the surrounding sky and make him invisible-a first-rate camouflage. 韩学愈容颜灰暗,在阴天可以与周围的天色和融无间,隐身不见,是头等保护色。
It was studied that the effects of white water cycling in the process of ashy bottom coating board on the deinking technology of old news paper and products quality. 通过实验室和生产性试验,研究了灰底涂布白纸板生产过程中白水循环使用对废新闻纸脱墨工艺及产品质量影响。
We obtained the relevant relations of pollutant, liquor acidity, ashy density, reaction time, with filtering result, through testing pollution index of the sewage under different experimental conditions. 通过不同试验条件下对污水中污染指标进行检测,分析总结出粉煤灰对不同污染物的过滤效果及其与溶液的酸度、灰的密度、反应时间的相关关系。
Whether it is lawful or not depends on the statute law or customary law. The ashy behavior is regulated by potential rule that is a counterpart of statute law and customary law. 一个行为合法与否,可以由国家制定或民间形成的规则来评判,调整灰色行为的则是与制定法与习惯法相对应的潜规则。
The arrangement of the diameters of vesicular holes in spongy layer was Silver Pheasant, Ashy Drongo Common Quail and Pheasant-tailed Jacana; 海绵层小孔直径由高到低依次为水雉、灰卷尾、鹌鹑、白鹇;
The nest success of Great Tit is the lowest and Ashy Starling is the highest. 大山雀的巢成功率最低,灰椋鸟的巢成功率最高。
Ashy Starlings'( Sturnus cineraceus) group activity in autumn and early winter in Hefei has been observed from September of 2001 to January of 2002. The results manifest that at the end of September groups of Ashy Starlings inhabited on Platanus hispanica at night. 于2001年9月至2002年1月,对合肥市秋季和早冬灰椋鸟集群活动规律进行了观察。
The arrangement of the thickness of radial sections was Silver Pheasant, Common Quail, Pheasant-tailed Jacana and Ashy Drongo. 横断面厚度由高到低依次为白鹇、鹌鹑、水雉、灰卷尾。
Overflow Ashy Water Treatment Technology in Large Power Plant 大型火电厂溢流灰水处理技术
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Determination for Metal Ions in Residual Oil& Carbon Black Slurry and Ashy Water 渣油炭浆及炭黑灰水中六种金属元素的原子吸收光谱测定
The ashy behavior is different from the neutral behavior and official behavior. It is a behavior phenomenon that demands urgent overcoming in the course of ruling by law. 灰色行为不同于中性行为和官方行为,是法治化进程中亟待克服的一种行为现象。
Analysis on the Effect of Desulfuration in Chamber on Ashy Accumulation in the Rotatory Air Preheater 炉内喷固硫剂的脱硫工艺对回转式空气预热器积灰的影响
The reasons of ashy accumulation in the rotatory air preheater were analyzed on the basis of the characteristics of the desulfuration system, and the methods for alteration were put forward as well. 针对脱硫系统的工艺特点,分析了空气预热器积灰的原因,并提出相应的改造措施。
Observation of Ashy Starling in autumn and early winter in Hefei 合肥市秋季、早冬灰椋鸟活动规律