
英 [æsˈpɛrɪtiz] 美 [əˈspɛrɪtiz]

n.  (尤指语言、态度)粗暴,严厉


  1. Agglomerates of delusterant particles located near the surface of sythetic fibers cause asperities.
  2. The size of the peaks, or asperities, depends on the material and the method of surface finishing.
  3. But the countries of the continent for a long time desperately struggled against all change, and would have diverted revolution by softening the asperities of absolute government.
  4. However, at higher angle of tooth-shaped asperities and under higher normal stress, the failure model II is found, which is in first tension but final shear failure.
  5. If the gouge layer is thin, contact between asperities on the rock surfaces can occur.
  6. She was oppressed by an abiding sense for the asperities and inequalities of society.
  7. Merchant thought that minute asperities existed at the chip-tool interface and the fluid was drawn into the interface by the capillary action of the interlocking network of these surface asperities.
  8. Load Capacity of Asperities for Piston Ring-Cylinder Liner in Internal Combustion Engine at Running-in Stage
  9. Influences of the cavitations between the asperities on roughness surfaces on flow factors were investigated.
  10. Effects of barriers and asperities on seismic moment
  11. Propagation of an aseismic dislocation through asperities with smooth borders
  12. The larger the surface roughness and the sharper the asperities, the greater the asperity contact load.
  13. The relationship between sliding friction force and contacting condition of rough surfaces was developed according to kinematics and dynamics analysis of two contacting asperities.
  14. In this model the rough surface of the contact is idealized as a plane with some asperities. The sticking effect is also considered. The variation of contact resistance with contact force is calculated.
  15. It is noted that there is a thin fluid film between the loaded asperities and the wafer being polished in CMP process, thereby a flow system with nano scale film is formed in.
  16. The experiments indicated that asperities of roll surface plow and stick to the aluminum strip surface, and lubrication oil film in deformation zone shields surface topography of aluminum strip are the primary reasons of surface damage of cold rolled aluminum strip.
  17. In this paper, a three-dimensional measuring system for surface asperities is described, in which a microcomputer is interfaced to a stylus profilometer.
  18. Study on the characteristics of rock failure strain and acoustic emission field for two parallelling faults with the same slip direction including asperities
  19. Far-field body-wave radiation of the fault which contains asperities
  20. Earthquake doublet in Kagoshima, Japan: rupture of asperities in a stress shadow
  21. Based on the interaction of asperities and upper-bound approach a mathematical model for simulation of friction phenomenon between dies and workpiece was proposed.
  22. Based on the number of asperities on the fault plane, the asperity model was classified into three models: all-asperity, single-asperity and multi-asperity models.
  23. Undoubtedly, these asperities will have remarkable influence on surface friction and subsurface stress of the contact area.
  24. The preparation and nucleation of a strong earthquake involve fracturing of asperities on the fault plane, and the foreshock activity, the dynamic rupture process and the precursors of the strong earthquake depend on the scale, the strength and the number of asperities.
  25. Numerical results reveal that the existence of single asperities can lead pressure to change drastically and film thickness to become thin in the vicinity of the asperities.
  26. In microscope scale, a rough surface can be regarded as a series of asperities with certain stochastic distributions of asperity height, size and geometry.
  27. The highest temperature of asperities is much higher than that of worn plane, which is one of the main factors in leading to stress graphitization on worn surface.
  28. The influence of density distribution and height of the asperities on nonlocal friction is also studied here. A experimental system for friction test is designed.