占星术;占星学 Astrology is the study of the movements of the planets, sun, moon, and stars in the belief that these movements can have an influence on people's lives.
This discovery seems to validate the claims of popular astrology. 这个发现似乎能印证流行占星术的一些说法。
Websites and newspapers run their own astrology channel, publishing weekly predictions and advice. 网站和报纸纷纷开设自己的星座运气专栏,并每周推出对各星座的预测和建议。
Above all, we hope to show that astrology really is an empirical science, not a superstition. 首先,我们要说明的是,占星术是一门经验主义科学而绝非迷信。
In astrology what matters is when you begin, not how much you do. 对于星相学来说重要的是你开始的时间而不是你能做多少。
You will not have to waste time attending tuitions in astrology school, gas or your time commuting. 你不会浪费时间,出席在占星术学校,学费气体或你的时间通勤。
I think astrology is very interesting. 我认为星座占卜很有意思。
One's ancient red ancestors therefore remember much about this ancient astrology. 因此,远古的红族祖先记得很多这远古的(河)象。
You should learn everything you need to know about astrology in the Internet. 你应该学习一切你需要知道的关于在互联网占星术。
With the influence of Hellenism, Greek and Mesopotamian astronomy and astrology were introduced. 随着希腊文化的影响,引入了希腊和美索不达米亚的天文学和占星术。
We hope to enlighten you to the usefulness and power of real astrology. 我们希望通过占星术的实用性及其真正的能力来让你明白。
It does not seem very gracious for contemporary science to dismiss astrology. 用现代科学排除占星术,似乎太不讲情面了。
I recently got into a discussion with a non-believer friend about astrology. 最近我和一个不信仰占星学的朋友展开了一番有关占星学的讨论。
As Greek and Roman myth implies, Astrology's origins are based on our observance of the visible Planets. 基于希腊和罗马神话的暗示,我们得知占星术起源于天空中可以看到的星体。
If mainstream economic theory is fundamentally flawed, we are no better than doctors diagnosing with astrology. 如果主流经济学理论存在根本上的瑕疵,那么我们与用占星术诊断的医生也没什么差别。
Many people have misconceptions about astrology. 许多人对占星学有误解。
How can people reconcile astrology with christianity? 人们怎能使占星术和基督教和谐一致?
In the astrology chart, Saturn often represents one's father. 在占星命盘中,土星经常代表一个人的父亲。
She's busy writing a book on astrology. 她正忙着写一本关于占星术的书。
He had his history and astrology all mixed up. 他把历史和占星学都搞混了。
Why can not astrology co-exist with the myth of science? 为什么星相学不能与科学的神话共存?
Astrology is the science of the influence of planets toward individuals and humankind as such. 星占学是研究行星对个人和人类的影响的科学。
The asterisk character is believed to be related to the understanding of ancient people on astrology. 星号符号据认为讲述是远古人类对占星术的理解。
Meteorology, astrology, and other external effects will play a part in many of the higher level quests. 在许多高级别的任务中,气象学、天文学和其他外部效果都会取到一定的作用。
Astrology and alchemy are occult sciences. 占星学和炼丹术为神秘之学。
We study astrology so that we can be ready! 我们研究占星术是为了能做好准备。
Modern astrology books seem to suggest that there were three methods used for creating the major and minor aspects. 现代占星术的书籍似乎暗示有3种方法用于创建主要和次要的相位。
"There is time to do the right thing", this is astrology. 对的事情总有时间去做,这就是星占学。
Apart from astrology, the techniques include tarot card reading, palmistry and many more things. 除占星术之外,技术包括占卜用的纸牌读书、手相术和许多事。
Astrology is very interesting because you can learn about the fate of your future and future of other people. 占星术是很有趣,因为你可以了解你的前途和其他人的前途命运。