I find this all a bit depressing and reductive, because it seems like those who make it to the top must be, by necessity, workaholic automatons. 我觉得这一切有点令人沮丧,因为看上去似乎能够成就大事业的人都必须得是不知疲倦的工作机器。
They are clones, automatons, and they do just the opposite of what I am going to tell you to do below, wading through life without ever knowing how to be yourself. 他们是克隆人、是机器人,他们做着的事与我想告知你的事是完全不相同的,不知道如何做真正的自己而一生都碌碌无为。
It's a choice for the development of children as intelligent, capable, self-aware human beings and not automatons who depend on teachers, textbooks, and rules to govern their decisions. 这种选择将孩子培养为有智慧、有能力、有自知之明的人而不是依靠老师、教材、制度来管理其决策的机器人。
These docile lunatic automatons are no more trouble to their guards than cattle. 对警卫来说,这些驯良的,机器人般的疯子和家畜一样不会带来多大的麻烦。
No one has the right to turn us as the automatons. 没有人拥有把我们当自动机器人的权利。
Human beings are neither the dumb automatons of the old models nor the supreme creatures of knowledge and understanding of the new models. 人类既不是旧模型里傻乎乎的机器人,也不是新模型里无所不知的超凡生灵。
MS Chua does not want either of her daughters "to end up like one of those weird Asian automatons who feel so much pressure from their parents that they kill themselves after coming in second on the national civil service exam". 蔡美儿也不希望自己的两个女儿“到最后变得和那些古怪的亚洲机器人一样,不堪来自父母的巨大压力,只因为在国家公务员考试中考了第二名便自杀”。
In the latest episode in our complicated relationship with automatons and automation, it is appropriate that Foxconn should have a lead role. 在人类与自动机器和自动化之间复杂关系的最新进展中唱主角的,应该是富士康(Foxconn)。
Midvale's employees grumbled about the strict new regime, claiming that it turned them into little more than automatons, but the factory's productivity soared. 米德维尔的雇员对这种严苛的新体制颇多抱怨,认为这把他们变得跟机器人并无二致,但是工厂的生产力大幅攀升。
I'm not suggesting you're a conscious body walking around in a world full of unconscious automatons. 我并不是指你是一个到处是无意识的机器人的世界里的有意识的一个活动的身体。
We are human beings, not automatons. 我们是活生生的人,而非机器人。
The corresponding priced timed automatons based on these paths are then constructed, and minimal costs obtained. 着重解决代价和概率时间自动机模型的可达性问题,即满足一定概率要求的最小代价问题。
But in reality, the automatons are actually saving lives. 但在现实中,机器人实际上正在拯救生命。