By connecting two servers back-to-back, each with two bonded Ethernet cards, I got about220MBps. 通过以端到端的方式连接两台服务器,每台服务器使用两个联结的以太网卡,我获得了约220MBit/s的带宽。
11. Schedule meetings and communication by email or phone back-to-back to create blocks of uninterrupted work. 11.用邮件或电话把会议和沟通安排在相邻的时间段,保证有持续工作的时段。
He said hurricane Issac and the back-to-back convention scheduling means all bids are off. 他说,飓风埃萨克和连续的公约计划意味着都失去了意义。
And some patients might get back-to-back colds, doctors say. 医生说,有些患者或许会连续患感冒。
One group heard the same story three times back-to-back each time and another was read three different stories. 其中一组幼童每次把同一个故事连续听三遍,另一组幼童每次听到三个不同的故事。
Simulation results show that the Gaoling back-to-back HVDC power transmission project possesses good dynamic characteristic. 结果表明高岭背靠背直流输电系统具有良好的动态特性。
I take four back-to-back flights. 我乘了四趟来回航班。
I didn't even know our appointments were back-to-back again. 我想那就是我们能在背靠背的比赛中都能表现那么好的原因。
Later in the quarter, Bryant and Fisher connected on back-to-back threes as the lead swelled to27 points. 第三节末,科比和费舍尔连续投进三分,将领先优势扩大到了27分。
Each class begins with foot rubs, back-to-back dancing and tender kisses on the hand. 报道还介绍了接吻学校里上课时的情形:每堂课上平均约有10几对情侣,他们的脚首先互相摩擦,然后跳背对背的舞蹈,然后轻柔地吻对方的手。
During the last week I have spent two whole days in back-to-back board meetings and strategy meetings and have concluded that when it comes to the art of inquiry he is wrong. 前一阵子,我花了整整两天时间,接二连三地参加多家董事会会议和战略会议,最后得出结论,在质询艺术这一问题上,那位负责人错了。
They have a chance to win the four-game series Thursday night back-to-back series for the first time this season. 现在洋基有机会在周四(明天)就赢下这个四战系列赛,从而缔造本季第一次连续赢得两次系列赛。
In the last half of2007, WHO hosted three intergovernmental meetings, including one held in Bangkok in July and two held in Geneva, almost back-to-back, in November. 在2007年下半年,世卫组织主持召开了三次政府间会议,包括7月在曼谷举行的一次会议和11月几乎接连在日内瓦举行的两次会议。
Having won the UEFA Cup and the UEFA Champions League back-to-back, what is your view of these competitions? 背靠背的赢得了联盟杯和冠军联赛,你如何看待这样的竞争?
Study of Control Method for Back-to-Back Four-quadrant Converter 背靠背四象限变流器控制方法的研究
They have already beaten the Lakers this season, and Wednesday's game will be the second of back-to-back games for LA. 他们在本季已经击败过湖人,而本周三的比赛将会是湖人背靠北的第二场比赛。
We ''re gonna have two parties back-to-back next weekend. 下周末我们将连续有两场派对。
They swept a road back-to-back in Denver and Sacramento and handled the Jazz and Lakers, both Western Conference playoff competitors. 他们在对掘金和国王的背靠背比赛中横扫对手,又击败了爵士和湖人,这几个都是在西部联盟与火箭争夺季后赛名额的对手。
Which was the last team to win back-to-back NBA championships? 最近一支连续两年获得总冠军的球队是?
They won the two back-to-back games. 他们接连赢了两场比赛。
It was nice to have a short break after two back-to-back races and the test in Spa. 在两站背靠背的比赛和斯帕测试之后,有段短暂的休息真不错。
They sit back-to-back on the bus. 他们在公共汽车上背对背坐着。
Direct-Driven Wind Power Generation System Based on Back-to-Back Three-Level Converter 基于背靠背三电平电压变换器的直驱式风力发电系统
The back-to-back arrangement is especially good when the distance between bearings is short and moment loads are applied. 在背靠背的安排是特别好时,轴承之间的距离很短,目前负荷得到应用。
But the summer league schedule has been brutal, with the Lakers often playing games on back-to-back nights. 不过夏季联赛的赛程安排是很残酷的,湖人每晚都是背靠背的比赛。
A back-to-back HVDC light system of the physical model was established in this paper. 本文建立了一个背靠背轻型直流输电的物理模型。
Back-to-back bombings near the Pakistan-American Cultural Center have rattled Pakistan's port city of Karachi. 在卡拉奇巴美文化中心附近发生的连续爆炸,打破了巴基斯坦这个港口城市的平静。
It showed against the Knicks, who were playing the second of back-to-back games. 这对尼克斯不是一个好消息,他们本场比赛时第二场背靠背的比赛。
Led the wildcats to back-to-back city championships. 领导野猫队连夺两届城市冠军。
Q.are you ready for the back-to-back? 你对这场背靠背比赛做好准备了吗?