I was looking for a backer to assist me in the attempted buy-out. 我正在寻找一位支持我收购的出资人。
The key differences so far though seem to be funding ( the billionaire Koch brothers are a key backer of the Tea Party) and a more coherent set of concerns and issues. 到目前为止,两者的主要区别似乎在于资金(亿万富豪科赫兄弟是茶党的重要支持者)和更为明确和统一的诉求。
Giorgio Napolitano, the Italian president and a strong Monti backer, said that political support for his technocratic government was slipping – an implicit warning to European leaders that Mr Monti needed to return from Brussels with assistance. 蒙蒂的坚定支持者、意大利总统乔治纳波利塔诺(GiorgioNapolitano)表示,蒙蒂技术官僚政府获得的政治支持日益下降&这是在含蓄警告欧洲领导人:蒙蒂需要带着援助从布鲁塞尔回来。
The union is the financial and logistical backer for Fast Food Forward, the group organizing the protests. 该联盟向组织抗议的快餐前进(FastFoodForward)运动提供财政和物资援助。
A main backer of the project is China Film Group, the largest state film production and distribution enterprise. 这部影片的一个主要投资方是中国最大的国营电影制作和发行公司&中国电影集团。
China's tough stance against Japan in an ongoing territorial dispute may have no bigger backer than Yao Xin, a 23-year-old legal assistant who says she refuses to buy Japanese products. 对于中国在中日领土争端问题上对日本采取的强硬立场,现年23岁的法律助理姚欣(音)可以算是最大的支持者。姚欣说她拒绝购买日本产品。
Because I know that while I am establishing my career, you will always stand behind me as my backer, freeing me from extra worries. 因为我知道当我闯事业的时候,你会站在我的背后做我坚强的后盾,免除我的后顾之忧。
Samsung, another top-tier Olympic backer, said it was proud six of its sponsored athletes would carry the revered symbol through the crowded streets of India's capital city. 另一家顶级奥运赞助商三星(Samsung)也表示,6名由其提供赞助的运动员将手持令人崇敬的象征,穿越印度首都拥挤的街道,该公司为此感到骄傲。
The backer managed to gather a small group of curious passersby round the platform. 那人大喊大叫,设法把一小群好奇的过路人聚集在戏台周围。
Have you got any comments on the proposed promotion of Tom backer? 你以提议给汤姆贝克升职有什么评价?
A few years ago my husband invited his business backer to dinner. 几年前,我丈夫邀请了他的业务赞助者用晚餐。
I was hoping for a backer, but the project was too chancy. 我希望有支持者,但这项目风险太大。
Is Mozilla in danger of losing their biggest financial backer? Mozilla是否处于失去最大的财力支持者的危险之中?
From then on, without backer, the cirrus had to creep on ground and struggle for life. 从此,藤蔓再无依恃,只能匍匐在地上苦苦挣扎求生。
Angel investor a financial backer providing venture capital funds for small startups or entrepreneurs. 天使投资者向小型初始企业或创业者提供创业资金的财务投资者。
So we can't trace it to the backer. 也就是说我们不能找到后台。
He threw a rolling block into the line backer. 它扔了一个转的石块进后防线。
Tom is my principal backer; if he withdraws his support, I don't see how I can be elected. 汤姆是我主要的支持者,如果他撤销了他的援助,我不知我如何才能被选上。
"We have great expectations," said backer Kevin Christie. 赞助人凯文·克里斯蒂说:我们对这个项目抱有很高的期望。
Each stack of sheets is combined with a backer sheet of chipboard or heavy paper. 每个表的堆栈是结合靠山表的硬纸板或重磅纸。
Technically, CrossOver is not a third party product, as it is the primary financial backer for Wine. CrossOver从技术上来说,CrossOver不是wine的一个第三方产品,而是wine的主要财力支持者。
He have an Australian backer. 他有一位澳大利亚赞助者。
And not only that nor does its backer, the United States that gets into wars in Iraq and Afghanistan just over nothing. 它的支持者美国也是如此,美国平白无故地就在和阿富汗发动了战争。
He says he could be our backer. 他说那人可能是幕后资助人。
Because I'm not you boyfriend, Just I Backer for you happy and lose. 因为不是你的男朋友,我才会在你高兴难过得意失落的时候都支持你。
At the time, Canada was a strong backer of hydroelectric power, which had played a key role in the country's early industrialization. 当时加拿大对水电推崇备至,因为水电在该国早期工业化进程中发挥了重要作用。
Which I'm sure the backer knows, as well. 我确定这点后台也知道。