
n.  出卖人,卖主,议价者,讨价还价者



BNC.43600 / COCA.37716


  1. N-COUNT 便宜货;廉价货
    Something that is a bargain is good value for money, usually because it has been sold at a lower price than normal.
    1. At this price the wine is a bargain...
    2. Fresh salmon is a bargain at the supermarket this week.
  2. N-COUNT 交易;协议
    A bargain is an agreement, especially a formal business agreement, in which two people or groups agree what each of them will do, pay, or receive.
    1. I'll make a bargain with you. I'll play hostess if you'll include Matthew in your guest-list...
    2. The treaty was based on a bargain between the French and German governments.
  3. VERB 商谈;交涉;谈判;讨价还价
    When people bargain with each other, they discuss what each of them will do, pay, or receive.
    1. They prefer to bargain with individual clients, for cash...
    2. Shop in small local markets and don't be afraid to bargain.
  4. PHRASE 极力讨价还价;提出苛刻的交易条件
    If people drive a hard bargain, they argue with determination in order to achieve a deal which is favourable to themselves.
    1. ...a law firm with a reputation for driving a hard bargain.
  5. PHRASE 此外;而且;另外
    You use into the bargain when mentioning an additional quantity, feature, fact, or action, to emphasize the fact that it is also involved. You can also say in the bargain in American English.
    1. This machine is designed to save you effort, and keep your work surfaces tidy into the bargain...
    2. She is rich. Now you say she is a beauty into the bargain.
  6. PHRASE 履行协议
    If you keep your side of the bargain, you do what you have promised or arranged to do.
    1. Dealing with this dictator wasn't an option. He wouldn't have kept his side of the bargain.


  1. A search for "net bargainer" on taobao. com, China` s largest online shopping website, gives 2,186 search results.
  2. Bargainer Quantity Change of Stock Market and Liquidity Research
  3. A hard fate; took a hard look; a hard bargainer; a hard climb.
  4. In order to solve the problem of soaring electricity price during the period of energy supply shortage, a single bargainer electricity market has been developed.
  5. Research of securities market liquidity and chaos of bargainer colony change
  6. In the retention of title, the recall right the bargainer exercises is a means to fulfill the obligatory right of money, which affects the interest of both the bargainee and the third party.
  7. According to the interaction between asset price and bargainer, the structure model of capital market is proposed, which can be used to approach a set of serial price value.



  1. negotiator of the terms of a transaction
    1. he is a hard bargainer

  2. someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold

      Synonym:    traderdealermonger