
英 [ˈbætənz] 美 [bæˈtɑnz]

n.  (乐队)指挥棒; (接力赛的)接力棒; (行进中军乐队队长的)指挥杖


  1. 警棍
    A baton is a short heavy stick which is sometimes used as a weapon by the police.
    1. in AM, use 美国英语用 billy, billy club

    2. (乐队或合唱队指挥用的)指挥棒
      A baton is a light, thin stick used by a conductor to conduct an orchestra or a choir.
      1. (田径比赛中的)接力棒
        In athletics or track events, a baton is a short stick that is passed from one runner to another in a relay race.
        1. (游行队伍中游行者持有的)指挥杖
          A baton is a long stick with a knob on one end that is sometimes carried by a person marching in a parade. The baton is spun round, thrown into the air and caught.
          1. PHRASE 移交权力/接受责任
            If someone passes the baton to another person, they pass responsibility for something to that person. If someone picks up the baton, they take over responsibility for something.
            1. Does this mean that the baton of leadership is going to be passed to other nations?


          1. Witnesses in Tehran said riot police used tear gas, batons and water cannons to disperse supporters of defeated presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi.
          2. The standoff came Thursday when Israeli security forces went into the house, using batons and tear gas.
          3. Dextrose-a natural sugar-is sprayed on the batons to help them maintain a golden fried color.
          4. Security forces fired tear gas and stun grenades and beat people with batons in response to fireworks being thrown by stick-wielding protesters.
          5. PAP troops occasionally patrol the streets, but with soft hats and carrying batons and shields rather than guns.
          6. Helmeted officers beat protesters with batons and hauled away dozens after skirmishes broke out between the two sides near a bridge leading across the Moscow river to the Kremlin.
          7. The group has documented several cases where banned equipment such as electric shock stun guns, batons and leg cuffs has been on display at these events.
          8. Roughly 100 riot police were deployed to restore order with batons and pepper spray, while four men aged between 18 and 24 were arrested.
          9. It identified seven companies that openly advertise these batons for export and said they have been used by police in Cambodia and exported to security forces in Nepal and Thailand.
          10. In St Petersburg, Some correspondents saw riot police beating activists with batons and their fists before forcing them into police buses.
          11. In tent cities that have sprung up throughout the region, soldiers carrying batons patrol the streets and security agents and police have stepped up efforts to muzzle any sign of "social instability".
          12. They responded with batons and tear gas.
          13. Dozens were wounded when police fired tear gas and used batons to disperse protesters, many of whom responded by throwing stones.
          14. The batons, BR-M are made of a resilient rubber.
          15. The interrogations were mostly conducted while he was chained hand and foot to a tiger bench, a straight-backed steel chair with ridged steel bars instead of a seat, and he was often beaten, kicked and hit with electric batons.
          16. Police wearing helmets and wielding batons pounded on the hoods of Palestinian cars, preventing them from traveling further into Egyptian territory.
          17. I can see why. Fresh batons of crunchy greens are stir-fried with bits of briny preserved salted fish, which add a real zing and savoury flavour to an otherwise bland dish.
          18. The front group had shields and batons, and started hitting us.
          19. Emergency Sigalling torch and Marshalling batons had not been included in the Helicopter kit.
          20. Dynamic Analysis of the Mechanical System with Different Structral Forms of the Electric Stage Fly Batons
          21. So to establish the reasonable urban system, make the different cities as freight stations and relay batons that promoting central cities location of productive forces to achieve balanced development between countries and regions, that is the important safeguard.