It also can cost more because it demands beefier, and thus costlier, hardware to run well than does the older Windows XP. 另外,因为Vista需要比上一代WindowsXP更强劲、也因此更昂贵的硬件来保持平稳运行,你还要花上更多的钱。
Although the users weren't happy to hear that they couldn't use their new, beefier server at that moment, they were grateful that I was exercising all due caution. 尽管用户不愿意听到他们现在不能使用新的服务器,但是知道我正在查找问题的原因,他们会很高兴。
If the repository grows substantially in size I'll probably move the actual jar files to Amazon S3 but I don't expect to need anything beefier for the website and metadata. 如果仓库变得足够大,我可能会将实际的jar文件迁移到AmazonS3上,但不打算对网站和元数据进行升级。
I would use the beefier one and hold the other in reserve. 我想利用强大的一个,并认为其他的储备。