In the context of globalization consisting of capital expansion and medium revolution, the popular literature expands and the belles-lettres and popular literature. 在资本扩张、媒体革命等构成的全球化语境中,通俗文学膨胀,纯文学萎缩。面对这种新的文学格局,我们应该正确处理雅俗文学的关系。
Individuals may be liberated and free only when the exterior factors from politics and society be removed, just as belles-lettres may be independent only when non-literature factors be excluded. 正如纯文学被认为只有在不断排除非文学负载的情况下才能走向独立一样,个体也只有脱离政治、社会等外在性因素的制约才能实现自我的解放和自由。
Belles-lettres in the Face of Popular Culture 纯文学:面对大众文化的进攻
In the late 1930s, there was broad space for the publication of belles-lettres which flourished in every literature type. 1930年代中后期,较少政治倾向的纯文学十分繁荣,拥有大量的出版空间,在各个体裁领域均有丰硕成果。
But after 1990, the change of social environment made sport literature have occured a series of remarkable changes. Belles-lettres gradually became the literature field's fringe, and the basal scene of sports literature had been ultimately changed. 然而,进入90年代以后,社会环境的改变使得体育文学发生了一系列引人注目的巨大变化,纯体育文学不断地边缘化,体育文学的基本场景已经面目全非。