The belligerents were due, once again, to try to settle their differences. 预计交战双方要再一次试图解决彼此的分歧了。
This being warmer work than they had calculated upon, speedily cooled the courage of the belligerents. 这次争吵之激烈,出乎他们的意料,于是双方交锋的勇气很快冷却下来了。
Their aim was to step forward and intervene when the belligerents had worn each other out. 其目的在于使战争的双方互相消耗,然后自己出台干涉。
An armistice ( or truce, as it is sometimes called) is the cessation of active hostilities for a period agreed upon by the belligerents. 休战协定(有时称为停战)是双方同意中断进行中之交战状态。
At long last an armistice was declared by the belligerents. 交战双方终于宣布停战。
Belligerents fight to determine the military strength and political resolve of their opponents; when all sides have "converged" on accurate and identical assessments, a surrender or peace deal can be hammered out. 交战双方通过战斗来探出对方的军事力量和政治决心;当各个方面“趋同”于准确的等同评定时,就能敲定是以一方投降还是以签订和平停战条约来解决冲突。
The belligerents should delegate the solution of the conflict to the United Nations. 交战国应把解决争执之事授权兴联合国。
China should maintain strict neutrality towards the belligerents in the imperialist war and not join either side. 对于帝国主义战争的交战各国,中国应该严守中立,不参加任何的一方。
To build the trade on a favorable legal base, America suggested that all the belligerents accept the Declaration of London. 为了把美国的贸易建立在有利的法律基础上,美国提议各交战国接受在国际法史上具有特殊地位的伦敦海战法宣言。