The bilateralism is a theory that two countries ( or regions) take part in and work out problems by negotiation. 双边主义是由两个国家(或地区)参加并协商解决问题的一种理论和主张。
For advocates of the new bilateralism, such deep Franco-British co-operation, which was originally conceived as a way to make shrinking national defence budgets go further, is a big prize. 为了倡导新的双边互惠原则,原本为了使缩减中的国防预算能维持更久而构想出的英法之间深入的合作,如今却需要付出昂贵的代价。
The problem with continuing this bilateralism at its habitual intensity is that the US is a pale shadow of what it was a decade ago: its fiscal situation is out of control, its banking system discredited, its military stretched by two protracted wars. 继续以惯常的力度推行这种双边主义的问题在于,与十年前相比,美国如今已式微力衰:财政状况失控、银行体系失信、军队则因两场旷日持久的战争而筋疲力竭。
In practice, bilateralism has fed off itself, intensifying the rush into preferential deals while draining energy from the Doha talks, polarising the US Congress and further diminishing its appetite for trade initiatives of all descriptions. 实际上,双边主义已经愈演愈烈,在加快签署特惠协议步伐的同时,耗尽了多哈回合谈判的能量,分化了美国国会,并进一步降低了对各种贸易举措的胃口。
Bilateralism and Multilateralism: the evolvement of ASEAN: EU Interregional Relationship 双边与多边:东盟与欧盟区域间关系的演变
The Political Economy of the New Asia-Pacific Bilateralism 亚太地区新双边主义的政治经济学分析
The author analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of bilateralism under WTO system, aiming to guide and regulate the bilateral measures under the multilateral framework to guarantee the realization of trade value. 本文通过分析双边主义兼容于WTO机制的利弊,以期在多边框架下对双边措施进行有效引导与规制,为自由贸易价值的实现提供重要保障。
A New Model of Regional Integration "Hub& Spoke" Bilateralism 区域经济一体化新模式轮轴辐条双边主义的理论与实证分析
Bilateralism: Double-edged Sword in WTO System 双边主义&WTO体系内的双刃剑
Bilateralism: New Thrust of Free Trade 双边:自由贸易的新热点