Maybe we should take a leaf out of Branson's book. It's easy to see how he became a billionaire 也许我们应该效法布兰森。我们都不难看出他是怎样成为亿万富翁的。
'It's tough at the top,' he said. 'It's tougher at the bottom,' riposted the billionaire. “身居高位很辛苦,”他说。“在底层更辛苦,”这个亿万富翁机敏地回答道。
Carl Icahn, the billionaire activist investor, has been interested in technology lately. 身家亿万的维权投资人卡尔•伊坎近来对技术领域产生了浓厚的兴趣。
It was my first encounter with a Russian billionaire. 这是我首次与一位俄罗斯亿万富翁会面。
Some wonder if there may even be a role for another Obama supporter, the billionaire investor Warren Buffett. 甚至有人猜测奥巴马的另一位支持者亿万富翁投资家巴菲特是否会出山。
One more thing about Professor Brewer: he is a former billionaire. 关于Brewer教授的另外一件事是:他曾是一位亿万富翁。
It strikes me that you have a billionaire and a crime fighter. H:在剧里,你同时拥有一个亿万富翁和一个正义战士。这一点让我很震撼。
Warren Buffett, the billionaire founder of Berkshire Hathaway, disclosed on Tuesday that he has stage-one prostate cancer. 亿万富翁、伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway)创始人沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)周二透露,他患上了前列腺癌,目前处于一期阶段。
Billionaire investor Warren Buffett was terrified of public speaking. 亿万富翁,著名投资家沃伦·巴菲特曾经对在公开场合演讲很恐慌。
My boss is very rich, but he looks nothing like a billionaire. 我的老板很富有,但他看起来一点也不像亿万富翁。
And easily makes its founder Reid Hoffman a newly minted billionaire. 公司创始人里德·霍夫曼(ReidHoffman)不费吹灰之力成为了新的亿万富豪。
Our billionaire can hire attorneys-to play with out legal system. 我们的百万富翁能雇佣律师&与我们的法律系统玩游戏。
I wish I could learn the investing secret Warren Buffett has that has made him a billionaire. 但愿我也能学到巴菲特的获利亿万的投资秘诀。
But the question they should ask is not How can I help this fascinating fellow become a billionaire? 但他们应该问的不是我怎么能帮助这个出色的人变成亿万富翁?
I will work hard to be a billionaire to help more and more people. 我要努力工作成为亿万富翁,帮助越来越多的人。
Early investors included George Soros, the billionaire financier. 集团早期的投资者包括亿万富翁金融家乔治索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)。
Warren Buffett, the billionaire investor, alluded to this in a 1986 interview. 亿万富翁投资者沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)在1986年的一次采访中谈到过这一点。
She is famously married to some software billionaire. 她嫁给了一个搞软件的亿万富翁。
Mr Bloomberg, the billionaire businessman-turned-politician, also has other ties to WPP. 从亿万富商转变为政治家的布隆伯格还与WPP有着其它关系。
Money? I am a billionaire many times over. 在钱方面,我早就是个亿万富翁了。
She did not marry you because you were a billionaire. 她并没有因为你是个亿万富翁才嫁给你。
B: if you were a billionaire, you would have other dreams. 如果你是亿万富翁,你就会有其他的梦想了。
In the process Mr Huang became China's youngest self-made billionaire. 在此过程中,黄光裕成为中国靠自己力量成功的最年轻的亿万富翁。
I am not a billionaire, but at least I am a nerd. 我没有亿万身家,但至少我是书虫。
I heard her dad is a billionaire. 我听说她爸爸是亿万富翁。
The billionaire is proposing that they be replaced by his sister and an associate. 这位亿万富翁提议,由他的姐姐和一名同事代替这两个人。
You sell it to the other BRICs-you're a billionaire. 你卖给了其他金砖国-你变成了亿万富翁。
A: it's very difficult to save enough money. I wish I could be a billionaire. 很难攒下足够的钱。我真希望我是个亿万富翁啊。
Another billionaire who influenced me was Sir Richard Branson. 另一位影响我的亿万富翁是理查德布兰森爵士(SirRichardBranson)。