Can you please tell me where to find the biographies? 请告诉我在哪儿可以找到传记作品好吗?
If you read the biographies of successful people in different fields you find that they share some common habits. 各种领域都有成功的人,当读到他们的传记时,你会发现他们有着共同的习惯。
I thought of the accordion man Sunday afternoon while reading the biographies of those killed in the Columbia tragedy. 一个周日的下午,当我阅读有关哥伦比亚号航天飞机事故中丧生的宇航员的传记时,我的脑海中又浮现出那个船工在演奏手风琴的情景。
Their biographies reveal that their best ideas seem to have occurred when they were relaxing and daydreaming. 他们的传记提示了他们最好的想法似乎产生在他们放松和幻想的时候。
Mr. Kalashnikov became a national hero and subject of multiple biographies in Russian. 在俄罗斯,卡拉什尼科夫成为了英雄,并成为了多本传记的主角。
For the first time, its directors are named and given brief biographies. 这是第一次,其董事长被提名并给予了简短的传记。
I like to read biographies. 我喜欢读传记。
Other biographies may speak of a person's birth, but not his conception. 别的传记也许会说到人的出生,但不会说到人的成孕。
Besides histories they have many volumes of reminiscences, and biographies without number. 除历史书外,他们还不计其数的回忆录和传记。
I love reading, especially biographies. 我酷爱阅读,特别是传记类的作品。
This week, I spent quite a lot of time reading biographies. 这个星期,我花了不少的时间在阅读一些传记。
I've read a few biographies, and almost all of his plays. 已经读了一些他的传记,甚至所有他的音乐剧作品。
These inscriptions can be divided into three categories: epitaphs, biographies and the others. 这些碑传文可分为碑志文、状文和其他三类。
Or read the books, biographies and studies of men and women hailed as literary geniuses throughout history. 或者读书、自传、研究被誉为历史上文学天才的男女作家。
Children should read more biographies of famous people to develop a meaningful philosophy of life. 孩子们应多读一些名人传记以培养一种有意义的人生哲学。
If we cannot talk about experiences in Dharma practices, should we burn all biographies of holy monks? 如果我们不可以谈论佛法实修中的经验,难道要我们烧掉所有圣僧的传记吗?
He has been the subject of many biographies and novels over the centuries, and Mr. 过去几百年来,他一直是许多传记和小说的主人公。
This is not one of your stupid biographies. 这可不是你愚蠢的传记。
She's a great reader of biographies. 她非常喜欢阅读各种传记。
During previous transitions, observers paid much attention to the biographies and personalities of the new Chinese leaders. 在以往的领导层过渡阶段,观察人士将很大一部分注意力集中于中国新领导人的生平和个性。
Writing biographies of famous people has become a trend. 为名人立传成了一个时代的潮流。
Furthermore, her achievements and brief biographies have been recorded in China and abroad for many times. 沈教授的成就和传略曾多次被国内外名人录辑入。
Consider reading histories, biographies and other non-fiction that can introduce you to global ideas. 考虑一下阅读历史、传记及其它非小说类书籍也能把全球思维带给你。
Song literature research: focuses on poetry of the literature study, biographies of poets, etc. 宋代文学研究方面:主要侧重于宋词文献研究、词人生平事迹研究等。
There is no denying that reading humorous stories or biographies of great men can cheer us up, too. 不可否认的,阅读幽默故事或伟人传记也能使我们振奋。
Also I am interested in reading science and biographies of people who have changed the world. 我也喜欢看科学和改变世界的人物传记书籍。
I'm very interested in reading biographies and watching old movies. 我对人物传记和老片子很感兴趣。
The biographies of scientists are not always good literature, but they have immense educational value. 科学家的传记并不总是优秀的文学作品,但它们有极大的教育价值。
Immelt: I do a lot of biographies, a fair amount of history, and some novels. 伊梅尔特:我读大量的传记,也读不少历史书和一些小说。
I like good English biographies and you know it. 我喜欢英文传记,你也是知道的。