Her mistake was to blab about their affair 她错在说出了他们的婚外情。
No blabbing to your mates! 不要告诉你的同伴!
She'll blab it all over the school. 她会满学校乱说。
I have not named either that Question or your coming marriage to your Father, as he would blab it everywhere, poor Simple Man. 我还没有把你那个问题和你现在的婚事,告诉你的父亲,因为他一听说就要到处嚷嚷的,真是一个头脑简单的人。
So you blab your secret to. 那么你把你的秘密说给了。
My compatriots, as you blab here, can you really say you love your country? 我的爱国者们,虽然你们在这儿对巩俐指手画脚,但你们敢说你们真的爱国么?
Very funny, now I suppose you're gonna blab about this to everybody. 很有趣,我猜你要说给所有人听了。
I never pay any attention to blab like that. 我从不在意那种无稽之谈。
GOLDEN RULE Home is pretty much the only place where you can safely blab about almost anything without having to consider the needs of the people around you. 家差不多是惟一可以无所顾忌、放心聊天的地方。
She doesn't blab in a careless way, she blabs in a fully calculated way, with my best interests at heart. 她跟人谈起我来并不是口无遮拦,而是用心良苦,一心只想维护我的最大利益。
These stories are false, just so much blab. 那些故事都是假的,全是一派胡言。
Don't blab this to anyone! 别对什么人都唠叨这事。
Yet on earth these men are feared, for they know many secrets from the confessional, and often blab them when they are drunk. 然而在尘世上大家都怕这帮人,因为他们从神工阁子中知道许多私密事,遇到酒醉的时候常常顺口泄露。
My compatriots, as you blab here, can you really say you love your country? Ask yourself, how many of you are not moths as well? 我的同胞,你们在这儿大放厥词的时候,你能说你真的爱国吗?扪心自问,你们当中有多少不是飞蛾呢?
We have successfully constructed the prokaryotic expression vector for Bla g2 gene encoding the cockroach allergen protein and have purified the recombinant protein with highly monogenetic capacity, thus providing the basis for the further studies on the recombinant vaccine with Blab g2 protein. 结论成功构建了德国小蠊变应原Blag2的原核表达载体,并纯化出具有免疫原特性的重组蛋白,为进一步开展Blag2蛋白和重组疫苗研究奠定了基础。
Methods: Extract the genomic DNA of a BLAB/ c mice. 方法:用酚氯仿异戊醇抽提BLAB/c鼠全基因组DNA;