
英 [blɒks] 美 [blɑks]

n.  (政治利益一致的)国家集团



  1. The Work War I was fought from 1914 to 1918 primarily between two European Power blocs: the Central power. Germany and Austria-Hungary, and the Allies, Britain, France and Russia.
  2. Clashes between Thailand's two major political blocs resulted in a State of Emergency in 2008.
  3. In the worst case, this global drift away from the WTO could lead to a world of exclusive and discriminatory trading blocs in which China would be left out.
  4. Furthermore, Britain has always played a balancing role between hostile blocs.
  5. Yes, it is vital that the richer countries and trading blocs open their doors to imports from the developing world; without such access, talk of aid and development is just empty rhetoric.
  6. The real threat is a world broken into two competing financial blocs, one centred on the dollar, the other on the BRIC nations of Brazil, Russia, India and China.
  7. Perry has a strong record of job creation in Texas and appeals to economic and social conservatives, key voting blocs within the party.
  8. The study found small, stable countries part of regional blocs, such as the European Union, were most likely to be highly ranked.
  9. Frequently used to sort countries into blocs and to write working papers and draft resolutions.
  10. Insofar as such statements have any meaning, the people who make them seem to be comparing implicitly or explicitly the aggregate gross domestic product of countries or blocs.
  11. From now on the situation will inevitably develop into one of direct conflict between the two big imperialist blocs, the Anglo-French bloc and the German-Italian bloc.
  12. This would upset the balance of the East-West blocs.
  13. And there is a19th century view that we are destined to vie for spheres of influence, and that great powers must forge competing blocs to balance one another.
  14. This action stood in sharp contrast to the arms race pursued by the two major military blocs existing in the world at that time.
  15. The financial crisis has undermined the precarious decade-long equilibrium between these blocs by forcing trade-deficit countries to reduce debt, especially household debt.
  16. Some Chinese scholars believe the country has the building blocs for an extensive alliance system of its own.
  17. Chinese astronauts walk on the moon, the world has splintered into currency blocs after an international exchange rate shock, and even robots have the vote.
  18. Some countries have continued to enlarge military blocs, strengthen military alliances and seek greater military superiority. This has seriously affected world security and stability.
  19. Regional trade blocs have emerged in the past decade.
  20. Under the new situation, especially, enlarging military blocs and strengthening military alliances run counter to the tide of the times.
  21. There are new political coalitions to be built here, aligning countries with common interests in a low-carbon future, outside the confines of the traditional monolithic UN blocs and balancing the powerful voices of carbon-burning industries.
  22. The study illustrates the development gap between the two blocs by establishing how many years earlier the current set of EU indicators was attained in the US.
  23. Expanding military blocs and strengthening military alliances will not be conducive to safeguarding peace and security.
  24. The division of Europe into warring blocs produces ever-increasing centrifugal stress.
  25. Israel says it reserves the right to build in East Jerusalem and settlement blocs, which it says will remain a part of Israel in any final peace agreement with the Palestinians.
  26. For some years, a number of French banks had accumulated blocs of Herm è s shares ( presumably some family members had been selling).
  27. Cold war mentality and its influence still have a certain currency, and the enlargement of military blocs and the strengthening of military alliances have added factors of instability to international security;
  28. The Yuan government had made an effort to resume authority and the govern ability, but at last, the struggles among warlord blocs had disintegrated the Yuan's governance in fact.