'I was looking for Sally', he blurted, and his eyes filled with tears. “我当时正在在找萨莉”,他脱口而出,眼里噙满了泪水。
If you can blurt out2000 sentences, you can run for American President. 脱口而出2000句英语,你可以竞选美国总统!
I want to blurt out! Here are my goals. 我要脱口而出!这是我的目标!
Your generation has had it pretty easy, I wanted to blurt out. 我真想对他说,你们那一代人取得成功太容易了。
I am deeply overwhelmed by your vigor and enthusiasm to blurt out English! 我真的被你们脱口而出英语的激情与热情所震惊!
It was thoughtless to blurt it out in the meeting and I'm very sorry. 开会的时候我随口说的,很抱歉。
But you can't just go and blurt out your feelings. 但你不能只是贸然说出你的感觉。
SWEAR! I will blurt out1 passage every week. 我发誓!我每星期要脱口而出1篇短文!
Theamount of sentences you can blurt out determines your English level. 决定你英语水平的不是单词量,而是句子量!
Go on with more examination questions to blurt out. 接下来的试题也应脱口而出。
You will find yourself able to blurt them out at the right time. 你会发现你终能将它们都脱口而出。
If I start complaining about some problem, I blurt out, Challenges make life interesting or difficulties make life worth living. 如果我开始抱怨困难,我就脱口而也挑战使生活变得有趣或困难让生活有价值。
To blurt out impulsively; disclose without careful consideration. 泄露冲动地脱口说出;没有仔细考虑而泄露。
Ask not how many words you have remembered, ask how many sentences you can really blurt out! 不要问你已经记住了多少个单词,问一下你能脱口而出多少个句子!
The best way of learning English words is to blurt out as many authentic sentences as you can. 学习英语单词最好的方法就是脱口而出尽量多的地道句子。
Blurt out English and blurt out the wisdom of life! 脱口而出英语,脱口而出生命的智慧!
The more sentences you can blurt out, the better you can express yourself. 脱口而出更多的句子,你就能更好地表达自己。
They will blurt out their rude inquiry the moment they detect the slightest sag in one's conversational guard. 一旦他们发现某人语言掩饰中细微的疏漏,就会脱口而出进行一些尖锐的质问。
I often blurt out English in a grove or plantation of trees. I raised the pitch of my voice to yell, I feel so excited about it! 我经常在小果园或者一片大树林中脱口而出英语。我使劲提高自己的嗓门的音调来狂读狂喊,我感觉特别兴奋有趣!
He blurt out the bad news before I can stop him 我还没来得及阻止他,他已冲口说出了这个坏消息
You must repeat the same sentences over and over until you can just blurt them out naturely. 你必须要一遍一遍得重复同一个句子,直到你可以自然而然得脱口而出。
Even if what you describe is less disgusting than a rat-infested office, Americans will blurt out this sentence willingly. 即使你所说的话的恶心程度还比不上一个老鼠成灾的办公室,美国人也会脱口而出这个句子。
I will blurt out more, and more! 我一定要脱口而出更多、更多英文!
This sentences is useful to blurt out when someone tells you something outrageous. 你有人告诉你某个过分夸张的事情时,你就可以脱口而出这句话。
I have a strong desire to blurt out every passage in this book! 我强烈渴望把这本书的每一篇短文都脱口而出!
You will be able to blurt out a sentence without thinking, just as you can blink your eyes without thinking. 你就能不假思索地脱口而出一个句子,就像你能不假思索地眨眼一样。
I want to blurt out300 sentences, so I can make a living in America. 我要脱口而出300句英语句子,这样,我就可以在美国工作!
These Blurt Out tapes and CDs are a great way for you to master spoken English. 这些《脱口而出》的录音带和CD对你掌握英语口语有很大帮助。
I will blurt out10 sentences every day. I swear! 我每天要脱口而出10个句子!我发誓!
The next time you are feeling down try to blurt out these life-affirming words. 瑕疵当你感到沮丧时,那就试着将下面这些肯定人生的言辞脱口而出吧!