It will be interesting, though, to see what other bombshells await in the full book. 不过,看看这本书还会爆出哪些猛料将是件有意思的事情。
At one point in more than two hours of testimony Lentz was asked by Rep. Eliot Engel, whether there were any new bombshells to come. 兰茨在听证会上讲了2个多小时,期间,众议员埃利奥特恩格尔曾置疑,丰田会不会还有什么出人意料的事发生。
Samsung and other firms are likely to tweak the design of their devices to avoid further legal bombshells in America. 三星和其他公司可能他们设备的设计,以避免美国的更多地法律诉讼。
He said they themselves were corrupt and he was ready, as he put it," to drop a few bombshells ". 他说,检查人员本身也是腐败的,用他自己的话说,他随时准备“投放几枚***”。
There are plenty of cables yet to be released and perhaps there are some bombshells still out there. 目前仍有许多电报尚未曝光,或许其中还潜藏着一些惊人的事件。
But as she sets her sights on becoming the next Hollywood bombshell with her new movie Piranha3D, the30-year-old has found some inspiration in some classic movie bombshells. 但是她最近把发展转移到好莱坞投资的新电影3D版《水虎鱼》,现年30岁的凯莉从经典电影性感美女上找到了些灵感。