The keys of your$ 20, 000 Powell flute became rusted shut after it was put to use as a bong for the last two years. 你那管花了20000美元的鲍威尔(Powell)长笛的吹孔已经生锈堵塞,因为它在前两年就一直被当作烟筒使用。
Last week in Bong County, in central Liberia, the International Medical Corps began operating a treatment center built by Save the Children. 在利比里亚中部的邦县,上周,国际医疗队(InternationalMedicalCorps)开始掌管救助儿童会(SavetheChildren)兴建的一座医疗中心。
For example, you hear a bong to prompt you to enter a calling card number. 例如,你听到嘡嘡声,提示你输入主叫卡号。
Clinical research on guided bong tissue regeneration to prevent wisdom tooth extraction complications The Application of GBR in Immediate Implant 引导骨组织再生术预防智齿拔除并发症的临床研究引导骨再生在人工牙骨内即刻种植中的应用
You need to get off that bong. 你应该把你的烟枪扔了。
Chinadolor bong, come on, we steal that TV guide every week! 钱纳德。邦,我们每周都把电视节目指南偷来!
The author's pen name is in bong. 这个作者的笔名叫英邦。
We asked about his restaurant "Yul Bong Jjim Dak ( Hot and Spicy Steamed Chicken)," located in the Kangnam Station area. 我们问了他有关餐厅“烈凤蒸鸡”,位于江南站的地点。
I sneak a bong hit before bed every night. 我每晚上床前都会偷来吸一口。
Most of the students were from well-to-do families, and Bong believed they would benefit if they understood the problems of the poor. 这儿的大多数学生来自富裕家庭,帮相信,如果让他们了解一些穷人们的问题,对他们将会大有裨益。
Ten years ago I was doing bong hits and playing Donkey Kong. 十年前,我抽着***,玩着大金刚游戏。
Look what happened to officer bong! 看看你把冯警官打成什么样了!
In bong's followers are all trash. 英帮的跟随者都是无价之宝。
Actually, it's miss chinandolor bong. 事实上,是钱娜德。邦小姐。
Uh, they were actually hoping for a bong. 哦,事实上,她们想抽水烟。
He said the writings of in Bong are renowned. 他说英邦的作品非常有名。
Let's just do a bong hit and chill out, okay? 外面开始凉了,我们去生火,好吗?
Clinical research on guided bong tissue regeneration to prevent wisdom tooth extraction complications 下颌复杂阻生智齿拔除手术并发症的药物控制引导骨组织再生术预防智齿拔除并发症的临床研究
Well, I'm pretty sure you won't be getting your Bong back. 好,我确信你的水烟枪是回不来了。
All this publicity over a photo with a bong? 这一切公众宣传在一张带有***烟斗的照片上?
Hey! Bong! Why are you sitting here? 喂!阿邦!干嘛你坐在这里呀?
If you're looking for a side dish to your beer, try our "Yul Bong Jumble"! 如果你想用啤酒搭配配菜,那就试试我们的“烈凤什锦”!
I like Phelps and don't think his bong hit should hurt him. 我喜欢菲尔普斯,而且认为这次事件不会对他造成伤害。
Did you smoke that bong before you beat the guy with it? 你是不是拿那个烟斗打人之前,先抽了一口***?
Come and learn more with Bong Ha, regional Director of Constellation wines International about California wines. 快来与美国星座葡萄酒国际公司中国地区经理夏仲邦一起学习和探讨加利福利亚的美酒吧!