The Torch will arrive in London on 21 July, passing through all of London's boroughs on its way to the Olympic Stadium. 火炬将在7月21日到达伦敦,并横跨伦敦所有的街区,一路奔向奥林匹克体育场。
There were also various so-called rotten or pocket boroughs. 还有各种称之为衰败或口袋选区的选区。
For instance, people from other boroughs might get to Manhattan by train, and then use cabs to return home late at night. 例如,其他区的居民可能会乘火车到曼哈顿,深夜再乘出租车回家。
Campbell Robb, Chief Executive at Shelter, said: 'Londoners living in the Olympic boroughs are already suffering from increasingly unaffordable rents, a lack of stability and a minority of rogue landlords who exploit the high demand for homes in the capital. 庇护所的执行长坎贝尔-罗伯说:居住在奥运场馆附近的伦敦人已经承受了飞涨的房租,生活缺乏稳定,还有少数粗暴的房东利用伦敦的住房高需求谋利。
And her readers were told how the expressways Moses had built had damaged the life of the outer boroughs of New York. 雅各布斯还告诉读者,摩西过去主持修建的一些高速路是如何破坏了纽约周边的市镇生活。
The26.2-mile course travels through all five boroughs of the city, starting on Staten Island and finishing in Manhattan's Central Park. 此次比赛全程共26.2英里,起跑点为史坦顿岛,终点设在曼哈顿中央公园,途经纽约市五大行政区。
Residents'complaints have prompted the London boroughs of Islington and Harrow to ask agents to remove excessive boards under "responsible retailer" agreements. 居民的投诉,促使伦敦区的伊斯林顿和哈罗要求代理根据“负责任的零售商”的协议删除过度局。
Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs of New York city. 布鲁克林区是纽约市的五个行政区之一。
London boroughs have plans to increase the size of the incinerator at Edmonton and there are plans to build more elsewhere. 伦敦各行政区则计划扩大设在埃德蒙顿的垃圾焚烧炉的规模,并打算在别的地方另建焚烧炉。
Besides Manhattan, it has four other boroughs: Brooklyn, Bronx, Richmond, and Queen's. 纽约市分为五个行政区:曼哈顿、布鲁克林、布朗克斯、里奇蒙德和昆斯。
The 33 boroughs all have different recycling systems. 伦敦的33个行政区各有不同的垃圾回收利用系统。
The City of New York has five different sections, or boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens, and Staten Island. 纽约市分为五个不同的部分,或称区:曼哈顿、布鲁克林、布隆克斯、皇后区,以及斯德顿岛。
London gained a directly elected mayor, as did a clutch of other local authorities and boroughs. 伦敦通过直接选举产生市长,另有一批当地官员和大伦敦自治市也是如此。
Her firm, for example, recently launched an access week to bring state school students from deprived London boroughs into its offices. 譬如,她所在的公司最近就发起了一项开放周活动,让伦敦一些贫困地区的公立学校学生前来感受办公室的生活。
Within its boundaries there are thirty-two London boroughs, each with its own mayor and council. 大伦敦境内有三十二个享有自治权的市镇,每个市镇都有自己的市长和议会。
County boroughs lose their autonomy. 自治郡失去了它们的自治权。
It's on a barge docked at Staten Island, one of New York City's five boroughs. 这对在史泰登岛,纽约市的五个区之一停靠一艘趸船。
Many of the people who work in Manhattan live in one of the other boroughs or in New Jersey or Connecticut. 许多在曼哈顿工作的人居住在其它的区,甚至住在新泽西州或康涅狄格州。
Completed in1883, it connects the New York City boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn by spanning the East River. 完工于1883年,是东河(EastRiver)上连接着纽约两个行政区曼哈顿和布鲁克林。
Some of the London boroughs are not very well known to people outside Great Britain. 外国人对伦敦的一些自治市镇并不了解,而另一些市镇的名字却广为人知。
In addition, various chamber ensembles made up of Philharmonic musicians are playing both at Carnegie and at "neighbourhood concerts" in the city's five boroughs. 此外,由爱乐乐团音乐家组成的室内合奏团会在卡内基和该城市五个街区的“社区音乐会”进行表演。
Prayer candles were everywhere& from the public vigil at Union Square to street corners throughout the City's five boroughs. 祁福蜡烛四处可见,从联合广场公共祷告仪式,到全纽约市五大行政区大街小巷的每个角落。
It now has branches in four of New York's five boroughs, and plans to open in Washington, DC, North Carolina and California. 现在它在纽约五区中的四区都设有分行。并且计划在华盛顿、北卡和加州开设分行。
( British) a barrister or solicitor who serves as part-time judge in towns or boroughs. (英国)一个在城镇或自冶的市镇充当兼职法官的辩护律师或法律顾问。
Bubbleburgh is only one of a set of five boroughs which club their shares for a member of Parliament. 巴布堡仅仅是一小市邑,它和其他四个市邑共同选举一名国会议员。
The course actually provides a good opportunity to get a feel for each of the five boroughs that make up New York City. 但其路线的确提供了一个感受纽约市五个城区的绝佳机会。
Staten Island is one of the five boroughs that form the city of New York. 史泰登岛是组成纽约市的五个区之一。