
n. 瓶颈
[经] 瓶颈, 增产障碍
bottleneck 的过去式, 过去分词



  1. Those numbers might indicate that the tests were bottlenecked by the network.
  2. The test site remains bottlenecked on the database server I/ O and bound by performance characteristics of the database server disk.
  3. VM B has access to more CPU and memory, but is unable to use it all because it is bottlenecked by increased disk activity.
  4. But with disposable incomes on the rise, tourist destinations are getting overwhelmed and traffic bottlenecked for miles. According to the state-run Xinhua news agency, Chinese tourists made 428 million trips last week during Golden Week.
  5. Time and again I have been bottlenecked by him.
  6. His request was bottlenecked for two months.
  7. Their stupidity bottlenecked all freedom of expression.
  8. His laziness has bottlenecked our efforts to reform the system.
  9. But the networks topology model that multiple VCs ( virtue circuits) sharing the same bottlenecked switch is popular.
  10. Usually modular inverse operation becomes bottlenecked in realizing the public key cryptosystem.
  11. At present, marketization of interest rate is bottlenecked by difficulty to determine the base rate of the overall interest rate system, inability of commercial banks to do risk pricing and consequent potential reduction of interest rate differentials of deposit-loan.
  12. However, in case the connection is source bottlenecked or the service is burst, ABR congest control plus open loop control can do a better job than close loop control.
  13. Observational Studies on Aerosol Distribution and Stratocumulus Structure over North of China In heap leaching and extraction process, the leaching rate and floccus bottlenecked production.
  14. Usually modular inverse operation on large prime fields and point multiplication on elliptic curve become bottlenecked in realizing the elliptic curve cryptosystem, and this paper adopts the improved measures of them to improve the running efficiency of the program.
  15. By regulating the parameters, the QoS ( quality of service) of ABR flow could be improved on the condition that there exits uncontrolled traffic flow in the bottlenecked switch, which can guarantee the stability of the networks.
  16. In heap leaching and extraction process, the leaching rate and floccus bottlenecked production.
  17. The appearance of the Layer 3 Switch has overcome the situation which the subnetwork must be managed by a router after network segment division in LAN, and solved the network bottlenecked problem which caused by the lower speed and complicated of the traditional router.
  18. Now, problems exist in customer managers 'performance management: management bottlenecked by faulting, unreasonable assessment system, which is not closely linked with profit distribution, and working efficiency of customer managers debilitated by internal structure.
  19. The financial restraint in rural areas is one of the bottlenecked factors in current new rural construction.
  20. The education in the phase of high school has bottlenecked the improvement of population quality.
  21. However, for a long time, the lack of rural credit funds and effective of financial input bottlenecked forestry development. So it is very difficult for farmers to increase their incomes through developing forest.
  22. With the development of modern industry, the application of 2d software can be found in many fields of industry, but the 3D Industrial Simulation software has been bottlenecked by the technology of computer simulation for a long time, which resulted itself little use in practical applications.
  23. Since The reform and the opening up, the construction of infrastructure in China has procured huge development, but the lack of capital has bottlenecked the further development of it, owing to the restriction of national fiscal capital.
  24. First, we linearize the interconnection of TCP and a bottlenecked queue and discuss its feedback properties in terms of network parameters such as link capacity, load and round-trip time.