Literature and art for the bourgeoisie are bourgeois literature and art. 文艺是为资产阶级的,这是资产阶级的文艺。
As a result, China has new classes and new political parties& the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, proletarian and bourgeois parties. 由于这一点,中国已经有了新的阶级和新的政党无产阶级和资产阶级,无产阶级政党和资产阶级政党。
Hence the comprador Chinese big bourgeoisie has always been a target of the revolution. 因此,中国的带买办性的大资产阶级历来都是革命的对象。
You this pure petty bourgeoisie ah, I put coffee to you to open. 你这纯粹的小资啊,我把咖啡给你打开。
One of the chief political and economic characteristics of a semi-colonial country is the weakness of its national bourgeoisie. 半殖民地的政治和经济的主要特点之一,就是民族资产阶级的软弱性。
Concurrently the national bourgeoisie and the proletariat were born in countries like China. 随着也就产生了中国这类国家的民族资产阶级和无产阶级。
We are the opposite of the political parties of the bourgeoisie. 我们和资产阶级政党相反。
The October Revolution overthrew the bourgeoisie, an event without precedent in world history. 十月革命推翻了资产阶级,这在世界上是个新鲜事情。
The bourgeoisie and the bourgeois intellectuals ought to recognize the necessity of remoulding themselves. 资产阶级和资产阶级知识分于,要承认有改造的必要。
The great landlords and the financiers had combined against the small bourgeoisie and the workers. 大地主和大资本家已经联合起来反对小资产阶级和工人。
As distinct social classes, the Chinese bourgeoisie and proletariat are new-born and never existed before in Chinese history. 中国的资产阶级和无产阶级,作为两个特殊的社会阶级来看,它们是新产生的,它们是中国历史上没有过的阶级。
There, the task of the proletariat was to oppose the bourgeoisie, not to unite with it. 在那里,无产阶级的任务,是反对资产阶级,而不是联合它。
The national bourgeoisie is entirely and eternally counter-revolutionary. 民族资产阶级是全部永世反革命了。
The national bourgeoisie is less feudal than the landlord class and not so comprador as the comprador class. 民族资产阶级没有地主阶级那样多的封建性,没有买办阶级那样多的买办性。
In countries under imperialist oppression there are two kinds of bourgeoisie& the national bourgeoisie and the comprador-bourgeoisie. 在受帝国主义压迫的国家里,有两种资产阶级,民族资产阶级和买办资产阶级。
Sometimes I want to have cups of tea with friend as a petty bourgeoisie. 有时候我想和朋友一起去品茶,偶尔享受小资的生活。
They are imperialism and feudalism, the bourgeoisie of the imperialist countries and the landlord class of our country. 不是别的,就是帝国主义和封建主义,就是帝国主义国家的资产阶级和本国的地主阶级。
Their starting point is bourgeois despotism, which in culture becomes the cultural despotism of the bourgeoisie. 他们的出发点是资产阶级专制主义,在文化上就是资产阶级的文化专制主义。
They wish for a bourgeoisie without a proletariat. 他们愿意要资产阶级,但是不要无产阶级。
Civilizing the proletariat became part of the self-protective program of the bourgeoisie. 而对无产阶级的教化也成为资产阶级自保性方案的一部分。
Certain countries under the joint dictatorship of the landlords and the bourgeoisie can be grouped with this kind. 某些地主和资产阶级联合专政的国家,可以附在这一类。
It was the inexorable rise of capitalism and the bourgeoisie that had overthrown the feudal aristocratic order; 正是资本主义和资产阶级不可阻挡的兴起推翻了封建贵族秩序;
The first is internal, that is, the contradiction between the working class and the bourgeoisie. 第一种是国内的,即工人阶级和资产阶级的矛盾。
The political forces of the bourgeoisie, the petty bourgeoisie and the proletariat are the new political forces which have emerged and grown simultaneously with this new capitalist economy. 同这种资本主义新经济同时发生和发展着的新政治力量,就是资产阶级、小资产阶级和无产阶级的政治力量。
Without the workers and the peasants and other sections of the petty bourgeoisie, you cannot move a step. 离了工人、农民和其他小资产阶级,你就不能走动一步。
There was arising from the seized land not only a new rural bourgeoisie but new paupers. 随着土地的兼并,不但产生了新的农衬资产阶级,而且产生了新的穷人。
We now have two alliances, one with the peasants and the other with the national bourgeoisie. 我们现在有两个联盟:一个是同农民的联盟,一个是同民族资产阶级的联盟。
Our unity and struggle with the bourgeoisie and the intellectuals will go on for a long time. 我们同资产阶级和知识分子的又团结又斗争,将是长期的。
The petty bourgeoisie in agriculture and handicrafts and the bourgeoisie in industry and commerce have both experienced changes. 农业和手工业方面的小资产阶级和工商业资产阶级,都发生了变化。
We shall not allow a new bourgeoisie to come into being. 我们不能允许产生一个新的资产阶级。