N-VAR 砖;砖料 Bricks are rectangular blocks of baked clay used for building walls, which are usually red or brown. Brick is the material made up of these blocks.
She built bookshelves out of bricks and planks. 她用砖和木板制作书架。
...a tiny garden surrounded by high brick walls. 四周有高高的砖墙环绕的小花园
N-SING 患难之交;可靠的朋友 If you say that someone is a brick, you mean that they have helped you or supported you when you were in a difficult situation.
You were a brick, a real friend in need. 你很够朋友,是真正的患难之交。
PHRASE 白费力气;枉费心机 If you are banging your head against a brick wall, what you are saying or doing is not having any effect although you keep saying or doing it.
I wanted to sort out this problem with him, but it was like banging my head against a brick wall. 我曾想跟他把这个问题给解决了,但结果徒劳无功。
PHRASE 碰壁;陷入困境 If you hit a brick wall or come up against a brick wall, you are unable to continue or make progress because something stops you.
After that my career just seemed to hit a brick wall... 在那之后我的事业似乎就陷入了困境。
The discussions in Brussels hit a brick wall. 在布鲁塞尔进行的商谈进展受阻。
PHRASE (尤指视为投资的)房产 You can use bricks and mortar to refer to houses and other buildings, especially when they are considered as an investment.
Paying rent simply helps to line the pockets of landlords. It's far better to put your money into bricks and mortar of your own... 租房子只会鼓了房东的腰包,自己投资买房要合算得多。
As an investment, bricks and mortar are not what they were. 作为一种投资,房产不再是从前意义上的房产。
to come down on somebody like a ton of bricks → see: ton
All the doors have been bricked up to deter vandals. 所有的门都用砖堵了起来,防止破坏分子闯入。
All the windows were bricked up. 所有的窗户都用砖砌住了。
He murdered his wife, and bricked up her body in the kitchen. 他杀死了妻子,然后把她的尸体藏在厨房里,用砖堵死。
But one thing is certain, the prophesied threat never arrived and the people at the centre of the archipelago had, quite simply, bricked themselves in. 但有一件事是确定的,那个预言的威胁从未到来,群岛中心的人只不过是用砖头把自己砌在了里面。
My friend ended up pulling down the old fireplace that had been bricked up in the room we shared. 最后,我朋友把我们房间里的壁炉给拆了。
The unusual house in Corsica is made out of a large boulder whose overhang has been bricked in. 科西嘉岛上的怪屋是由一整块巨大的卵石筑成的,其突出部分已经用砖给堵住了。
Although inherited from the graves of the Song and Jin Dynasties, the bricked mural tombs of the Yuan Dynasty in Shandong province had its own characters of times. 山东元代砖雕壁画墓上承宋金墓葬形制,但具有其自身的时代特点。
The windows were all bricked up. 窗户全用砖堵了起来。
The windows had been bricked up. 那些窗户用砖堵住了。
Those windows that are not bricked up are covered in heavy security grilles; 那些没有被堵住的窗户被厚重的安全栅栏所覆盖;
The old well was bricked up when it ran dry. 旧井干枯以后被人用砖堵上了。
Here the doorway wasn't bricked up. 这堵门没有结砖。
In order to stop the fighting, one side of the city was bricked off from the other. 为了阻止冲突,城市被砖墙隔开,一分为二。
The old well was bricked in ( up) when it ran dry Hullo, old bean. What are you doing here? 哦,老天啊!你这是干嘛?老井干枯后用砖封死了。
He bricked up a wall. 他用砖砌起了一堵墙。
Once there was a door, but it was bricked in for years. 那儿曾有一道门,但已用砖堵住好几年了。
The lift was long dead, arid the shaft bricked off. 电梯早已停开,电梯井也用砖墙隔开了。
Demolition of A 60m Bricked Chimney Using Recoilless Blasting 60m高砖砌烟囱无后坐爆破拆除
The article introduces the basic theory and method of antiseismic calculation of bricked fireproofing dyke in oilcan region, and generalizes the calculation according to checking calculation method. 介绍了油罐区砖砌防火堤的抗震验算基本原理和方法,并按照验算方法实现其通用化计算。
Antiseismic calculation of bricked fireproofing dyke in oilcan region 油罐区砖砌防火堤的抗震验算
This paper introduces a directional blasting method of a building of concrete framing and bricked arching structure in complex building. In the demolition blasting situation, a blasting plan and a series of effective technical measures are taken. 介绍钢筋混凝土框架与砖砌拱式混合结构楼房在复杂环境条件下,爆破拆除时,采取的爆破方案及一系列有效的技术措施。
Design and Operation of Bricked Arch Claybank by Antidromic Method 逆作法砖砌拱挡土墙支护结构的设计与施工