n. 砖; 砖块; 积木; 可靠的朋友 v. 砌砖,用砖镶填(堵住)(up),用砖围砌(in) brick的第三人称单数和复数
N-VAR 砖;砖料 Bricks are rectangular blocks of baked clay used for building walls, which are usually red or brown. Brick is the material made up of these blocks.
She built bookshelves out of bricks and planks. 她用砖和木板制作书架。
...a tiny garden surrounded by high brick walls. 四周有高高的砖墙环绕的小花园
N-SING 患难之交;可靠的朋友 If you say that someone is a brick, you mean that they have helped you or supported you when you were in a difficult situation.
You were a brick, a real friend in need. 你很够朋友,是真正的患难之交。
PHRASE 白费力气;枉费心机 If you are banging your head against a brick wall, what you are saying or doing is not having any effect although you keep saying or doing it.
I wanted to sort out this problem with him, but it was like banging my head against a brick wall. 我曾想跟他把这个问题给解决了,但结果徒劳无功。
PHRASE 碰壁;陷入困境 If you hit a brick wall or come up against a brick wall, you are unable to continue or make progress because something stops you.
After that my career just seemed to hit a brick wall... 在那之后我的事业似乎就陷入了困境。
The discussions in Brussels hit a brick wall. 在布鲁塞尔进行的商谈进展受阻。
PHRASE (尤指视为投资的)房产 You can use bricks and mortar to refer to houses and other buildings, especially when they are considered as an investment.
Paying rent simply helps to line the pockets of landlords. It's far better to put your money into bricks and mortar of your own... 租房子只会鼓了房东的腰包,自己投资买房要合算得多。
As an investment, bricks and mortar are not what they were. 作为一种投资,房产不再是从前意义上的房产。
to come down on somebody like a ton of bricks → see: ton
She built bookshelves out of bricks and planks. 她用砖和木板制作书架。
Paying rent simply helps to line the pockets of landlords. It's far better to put your money into bricks and mortar of your own 租房子只会鼓了房东的腰包,自己投资买房要合算得多。
As an investment, bricks and mortar are not what they were. 作为一种投资,房产不再是从前意义上的房产。
The damp bricks went along a conveyor belt into another shed to dry. 潮湿的砖块由传送带送进另一间小屋进行干燥。
The aisle was floored with ancient bricks. 过道由古旧的砖块铺就。
If you do something awful they all come down on you like a ton of bricks. 如果你做了错事,他们全都会对你大发雷霆。
Cars and trucks have been torched, bottles and bricks thrown. 轿车、卡车被放火焚烧,瓶子与砖块乱砸乱飞。
Glass blocks are sometimes substituted for ordinary bricks. 有时,玻璃砖被用来代替普通的砖。
He was utter egoist of bricks and mortar. 他是一个彻头彻尾,顽固不化的自私的人。
He compounded water, sand and soil and formed bricks. 他用水拌和沙和泥土做成砖块。
There's a reason for laying the corner bricks this way. 墙角上的砖这么砌是有名堂的。
The bricks he lays are fitted evenly and closely together. 他砌的砖又平正又密合。
As we did not need a third door to the room, we blocked in the space of one of them with bricks. 因为这个房间不需要三道门,我们就把其中一道用砖堵上了。
You're like a cat on hot bricks today. what's wrong? 看你今天一副局促不安的样子,出了什么事啦?
Before bricks were invented, people built their houses of wood. 砖没发明之前,人们用木头盖房。
I had to use bricks to prop up my broken bed. 我的床坏了,必须用砖头支撑起来。
The bricks are stacked up over there, all ready to be used for the new wall. 砌新墙用的砖都准备好了,堆在那边。
So we compose the "routing" brick with "pipe" and "transformation" bricks. 这样,我们就将“路由”单元和“管道”单元与“转换”单元组装在了一起。
I have bought some bricks and I'm going to build a garage. 我已经买了砖,我打算盖一个汽车库。
We can think of a page in this way, like a building is made of bricks and walls. 我们能这样看一个网页,就想是一个房子是用砖和墙砌的。
Timmy had nothing to eat when he was trapped under the bricks and stones. 当蒂米在砖块和石头底下被困住时,他已经没什么吃的了。
People were in a great hurry to move away the bricks and stones. 人们手忙脚乱地搬走了砖石。
They often reuse old window and door frames, timber, roof sheets, sometimes bricks. 他们常常重新使用旧窗户和门框、木材和房顶,有时候还回收使用砖。
Clay is used for making pots, dishes and bricks. 粘土用来制瓶、盘子和砖头。
Bricks are fired in a kiln. 砖是在窑中烧制的。
Bricks and stone stop fire spreading. 砖头和石材则能够阻断火势的蔓延。
It is said but true that people die in earthquakes from falling furniture and bricks. 据说但是真实的,在地震中人们死于倒落的家具和砖块。
Can pile up crops straw may temporarily build by laying bricks or stones, mud adobe. 可以堆放作物秸秆,可以临时砌泥土坯。
Toy bricks are good to children's intellectual development. 积木对开发儿童智力有好处。
The batch mixes for floor bricks were synthesized on the basis of fusible clay, infusible clay and fluxes. 以易熔粘土为基,并引入难熔粘土和熔剂成分,合成了地砖坯料。