And who carried briefcases overflowing with cans of diet coke from one client crisis to another. 他总是穿梭往返于陷入危机的客户之间,公文包里塞满了一听听的健怡可乐。
They're the only two carrying briefcases. 他们是所有参加晚宴的客人中唯一两个携带有公文包的。
While not quite pocket-size, the Tab is perfect for purses or briefcases. 虽说还不到口袋大小,但是放在公文包里还是非常合适的。
Bags for women have become bigger and heavier as designers combine briefcases with handbags and straps have become longer but the extra leverage has many patients complaining of neck, shoulder and back problems. 随着设计师将公文包和手提包的功能不断融合,女性用的手提包变得越来越大、越来越重,包带也随之加长,而这种额外的负担则让很多女性感到脖子、肩膀和背部不适。
But as soon as the doors shut at the stop before they were due to get off, participants were instructed to stand up, shed their skirts and pants ( trousers), which were to be secreted into backpacks, and briefcases. 一旦在事先约定的地铁站出发,参加者就会按照规定站起来,脱掉裙子或长裤,塞进背包或者公文包里。
Passengers are well trained in using whatever they have on them-bags, briefcases and umbrellas, for example-to fight for space. 训练有素的乘客们可以使用手上的各种物品,如背包、公文包、雨伞等来争夺空间。
Moss covered shoes, photographs, briefcases, notes and ripped clothing have all been discovered strewn across the forest floor. 布满苔藓的鞋、照片、箱子、笔记本和腐烂的衣服在森林里随处可见。
Briefcases would be used as diaper bags. 公文包将被尿布代替。
The intruder lunged at Stevens with a knife; Stevens snatched up a briefcase to ward off the blow. 'The briefcases are going well. 闯入者持刀向史蒂文斯刺去;史蒂文斯急忙抓起一只公事皮包抵挡。公事皮包销路很好。
This is a reasonable compromise based on the size of paper, file folders, briefcases, and desk drawers. 这种合理的折中,综合考虑了纸张、文件夹、公文包和抽屉的大小尺寸。
Digital technologies are becoming pervasive in shoppers 'lives; smartphones and tablets can now be found in shoppers' pockets, purses and briefcases, and shoppers can log on from their homes, offices or the stores themselves. 数字技术已经广泛应用于消费者生活的各个层面;消费者们的口袋、钱包或者公文包里装着智能手机和平板电脑,消费者还能在自己家中、办公室或者商店内随意上网。
BRIEFCASES of cash, dodgy party financing, inflated expense accounts, corrupt public-works contracts and state-sponsored eavesdropping. 装现金的公文包,狡诈的政党融资,公费报销的大幅增长,腐败的劳务合同以及州际间发起的窃听。
Each carried a dark case, like big briefcases. 两人都提着一个像大公事包的黑箱子。
Hey, there's no briefcases allowed on the floor. 嘿,这里不允许把公务箱放在地上。
Mao tunics quickly gave way to Western suits, but Wall Street-style briefcases never really caught on. 毛式长袍被西装所取代。但“华尔街流行的商用公文箱”不被看好。
Then they brought out sandwiches from their briefcases and started to eat. 两个律师走进一个餐厅,要了两杯饮料,从包中拿出三明治开始吃起来。
We drag home bulging briefcases for the weekend, even if we know at some level that we can't possibly do all of it. 即使我们知道在某种程度上我们不可能做完所有的工作,我们还是把胀鼓鼓的公文包提回家过周末。
Jackets are being made from discarded plastic bottles, briefcases from worn-out tires and belts from beer-bottle caps. 废弃的塑料瓶变成了茄克衫,磨损的轮胎变成了公文包,啤酒瓶盖变成了皮带。
Third party takes his million in these five briefcases here. 第三方的钱装在这五个箱子里。
Then they produced sandwiches from their briefcases and started to eat. 然后他们从自己的手提箱里拿出三明治开始吃起来。
Fig4.Casual style still conflicts with most of corporate images, so do not use the plastic briefcases with cartoon figures on them when meeting your clients. 现在是流行休闲,但要在你的客户前保持公司形象,还是不要用那种有卡通图案的塑料文件包。