Seeing him, she seemed to brighten a little 看到他后,她似乎露出点儿喜色。
'Oh, we'd love to!' cried Nancy, her face brightening. “哦,我们很乐意!”南希面露喜色,大声说道。
Her tearful eyes brightened with interest. 她含着泪水的双眼因为好奇而闪闪发亮。
Tubs planted with wallflowers brightened the area outside the door. 桂竹香盆栽为门外的景致增色不少。
That does not do much to brighten the prospects of kids in the city 那并不能使城里孩子们的前途更光明些。
It is undeniable that the economic picture is brightening. 不可否认经济状况正在好转。
The sky above the ridge of mountains brightened 山脊上方的天空变得明亮起来。
The late afternoon sun brightened the interior of the church. 傍晚的太阳照亮了教堂内部。
By early afternoon the weather had brightened. 中午刚过,天就放晴了。
They have ordered a bit of greenery to brighten up the new wing at Guy's Hospital. 他们订购了一些绿色植物,以给盖伊医院的新配楼增添一抹亮色。
If you're handy with a needle you could brighten up your sweater with daisies. 如果你针线活做得好,可以在自己的毛衣上绣几朵雏菊做点缀。
It could do with a lick of paint to brighten up its premises. 可用少量油彩使四下显得更亮堂。
Spectacular sky shows brighten the long winter nights for Alaska's year-round residents. 壮观的天空显示出变亮这长冬夜给阿拉斯加的整年的居民。
I thought they might do to brighten up your room. 我想他们也许能让你的房间看起来明亮一点。
We could do with one or two houseplants in this room to brighten it up. 我们需要在房间里摆上一些室内盆栽植物就能使它的格调明快起来。
At work: Let the first thing you say brighten everyone's day. 工作时,让自己首先说的事情能够使每个人在这一天中感到愉快。
The paint will brighten the room. 这种油漆将会使房了变亮。
Brighten up this house with your beautiful smile again, mom! 妈妈,用你美丽的笑容,点燃我们的家。
Children really brighten up a household. 事实上,孩子照亮了一个家。
At the sound of the key turning in the lock, her eyes brighten. 她一听见钥匙在锁里转动的声音眼睛顿时发亮了。
Unit under lighters and plinth lights will help to brighten up the kitchen and attract attention to the stylish features. 在打火机和柱基光之下的单位将帮助发亮厨房和受到对时髦的特点的注意。
Their eyes brighten, as they always do when such news comes. 他们的眼睛一亮。每当这样的消息传来时,他们总是如此。
Why don't we brighten up this page with some pictures? 为什么我们不在这页上加些插图使它活泼些呢?
Candles illuminate our holidays and brighten the season's longer nights, bringing a cozy glow into our homes. 蜡烛照亮我们的假日并使季节性的长夜变得明亮,为我们的家带来舒适的热光。
Sending a multi-flower bouquet is a practical and loving way to brighten someone's day! 派遣一个多花束是一个实际的和有爱心的方式照亮他人的一天!
Some fresh paint will brighten this place up. 色彩鲜明的油漆可以把这个地方弄亮些。
Thus, you have a chance to brighten your financial life. 因此,你有机会擦亮你的财务生活。
And you'll find it will brighten your day. 你会发现你的这一天不一般。
You brighten my days, just like the sun. 你点亮我的生活,如日中之光。
This is more expensive, but will definitely brighten up your house and make it more marketable. 这是较昂贵的,但一定会照亮你的房子,并使其更加卖不动了。